Page 6 - Amish Voice - July 2012

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The Amish Voice 6
Pennsylvania Deitsh
If you would like to obtain a
Psalms and Proverbs in
Pennsylvania Deitsh,
they are available
for $13.95 postpaid
from the
Committee for Transla-
tion, 3864 Township Road 162, Sug-
arcreek, OH 44681. Phone 330-852-4663.
You do not need to send money ahead of time;
they will bill you with your order. Your local Chris-
tian bookstore may also have them available.
have asked for ten thousand angels to bear him up on wings of
down. But like Moses at the Red Sea, he was content for God
to work in natural ways—not by sending a strong east wind to
blow back the sea—but by bringing the engine back to
life...The carburetor heat!...[It] was used primarily to prevent
ice from forming in the carburetor…But there were no known
instances of icing at this altitude.
The carburetor heat! Again he tried to dismiss the thought, to
spit it out of his mind. But it pounded against the inside of his
temples. It rang in his head. And his hand was obedient. He
reached down and jerked the carburetor heat handle and at
the same time pulled back on the stick. The jungle had arrived.
The only thing to do was flatten his glide just at the treetops,
lose as much speed as possible, and settle into the foliage.
Certainly forever.
Suddenly there was a mighty roar up front. The big prop,
which had been slowly windmilling in the streaming air,
roared to life. As if they had never quit, the thousand horses
were up and running again, straining at the traces, trying with
all of their might to pull the sinking old Duck out of the jaws of
Ralph’s Canadian dignity, shaken all the way to the soles of
his soggy socks, finally broke. It came forth like the sound of a
shipwrecked sailor thrown at last upon a sandy beach. From
the very inner part of his soul, there came forth an utterance of
“Praise the Lord!” he said with deep reverence. And then
repeated it. ‘Praise the Lord!” (
Jamie Buckingham.
Into the
. (Plainfield, NJ: Logos International, 1974), pp.13-14.
1. Have you experienced any miracles in your life? Do you
know anyone else who has?
2. Have you reached a point in your Christian journey where
you do not expect miracles?
3. Do you feel you can take good care of yourself without
any help from God?
4. Do you think God always has to provide a miracle? Does
the miracle always have to be big? Why or why not?
Your journey with Christ is meant to be a growing one, full of faith
and sometimes full of suffering. Your experience is to be a testimony
that has been built on Christ’s handiwork, not your own efforts. Re-
member the challenges from this session:
1. A believer corrects error.
2. A believer receives the Spirit by faith, not by observing the
3. A believer grows by faith.
4. A believer suffers because of his faith.
5. A believer experiences God’s miraculous work by faith and
not by observing the law.
(Reflection & Response)
1. The most important thing that I learned from this lesson was:
2. The area that I need to work on the most is:
3. I can apply this lesson to my life by:
4. Closing Statement of Commitment:
This article was taken from the Teacher’s Outline and
Study Bible (TOSB) Commentary, Galatians? Did you
know—you can buy the whole New Testament commentary
set? To order, please go to the back cover (page 11) and use
the ordering form.
If you have missed our previous studies in the Book
of Galatians, please let us know and we will send
them to you. Call (419) 962-1515 or write the Amish
Voice, PO Box 128, Savannah OH 44874
What Is Justification?
BIBLE MEDITATION: "...and whom He justified, them He also glorified." Romans 8:30
QUESTION: What does it mean to be justified? It means to be declared righteous.
Justification is not being good, though being good gives God glory. When you, by FAITH ALONE,
put your FULL TRUST in the fact that God placed your sins on the Lord Jesus Christ then God
stamps "righteous" over your name in His "Book of Life." (Romans 3:28, 5:1; Galatians 2:16, 3:11
& 24.
It's not because of what you have done or ever can do, but because of His justification. (Eph 2:8-9)
No court on earth can justify anybody. But what God does is take a guilty person and not only give
that guilty person a pardon, but He makes that guilty person just as if he had never sinned. That's
ACTION POINT: If you lived every moment believing in the justification that God has given you,
how would your faith be strengthened? Would you be more vocal about the gift of God's love?