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Dee ’ s News
Vo l ume 2 Is sue 1
Mose, Katrina, and Uriah’s Trip to New York
Katrina Zgela, Mose Slabaugh,
and Uriah Gingerich partici-
pated in a witnessing trip to
New York City. Here is
Katrina’s testimony about that
I was blessed to participate in
a witnessing trip to New York
City the first weekend in Octo-
ber.. My boyfriend Mose went
this past spring, and I was
excited to be able to go on the
fall trip. I knew God would
use the experience to stretch
me, and He certainly did. I am
not naturally bold, so sharing
the gospel has, at times, been
difficult. The Lord taught me
on the trip that sharing the
gospel is not about me, my
personality or my capabilities.
It is all about Jesus and what
He did for us because of His
infinite love! The highlight of
the witnessing, and a great
example of this truth, was
when I was able to witness to a
fourteen year old boy who had
never before heard the gospel.
His heart was touched, even
though I felt my words were
awkward. For the power of the
gospel is not in our words, but
in the person of Jesus. He
saves people; we don't. We
should not fear to witness.
Jesus commanded us to share
in Matthew 28:19-20. When
we are obedient to this com-
mand, He will do incredible
works in people's lives and in
ours. Let your light shine in
the darkness. For where our
lights shine boldly before men,
the darkness runs and hides,
and people are drawn to the
light and life of Jesus! This is
beautiful when it becomes
reality. Jesus uses us, humble
vessels that we are, to help
bring people from the king-
dom of darkness into the king-
dom of Light. It is amazing
that He chose us to be His
witnesses in this world. Let us
not fear, but be bold, "for God
did not give us a spirit of ti-
midity, but a spirit of power,
of love and of self-discipline."
Malinda’s Sky Diving Adventure!
Can you imagine yourself jumping out of a plane? That’s what Malinda
Hershberger did! Malinda and some friends took off from the South Can-
ton airport. It was Malinda’s first time in a plane! Malinda said even when
the door was opened, it was “a crazy rush of wind” and there was no
turning back. “It was the scariest 5 seconds of my life! After we were out
10 seconds, the scare was all worth it. We did flips in the free fall. It was
very peaceful; the rush of wind made me feel like a bird. It has changed
me in some ways. I’d say if you have a dream, chase after it, even if it’s
scary, because heights is like my biggest fear. I did not exactly get over my
fear of heights but I learned that it will give you confidence you didn’t
know you had.” Congratulations, Malinda, on your huge accomplishment!