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Dee ’ s News
Vo l ume 2 I ssue 4
Barbara Keim Burkholder wants You to Share Your Story
Game Night: Let the Fun Begin!
“I am working on several book
projects!! One of them could in-
clude you!
I am writing a book titled
Quilt of
Many Stories
; a book that will have
between 30 - 50 short stories de-
pending on the responses I receive
and the length of the stories. I
believe everyone has a story
whether you are born and raised
Amish or not; however, since
Amish is where I was born and
raised that is what I am familiar
with and the vision for this book
is unique to those who were born
and raised Amish, particularly
those who have chosen for what-
ever reason to leave their culture/
religion and move into what we
used to call the world or the Eng-
lish world.
The vision is to be able to reach a
world mostly ignorant to the truth
of the world we come from and to
allow many of you who have a
powerful testimony a chance to
share. It will also be a book that
will provide hope and encourage-
ment to those who are maybe just
beginning or thinking about begin-
ning this journey!! There are many
myths and romanticized views of
what it is to be Amish and my goal
is to share real life experiences
with the world and those experi-
ences are as varied in number as
there are Amish communities out
there maybe even more so!
So I invite you to share your story
and share this questionnaire with
anyone else you know who may be
interested in sharing their story!”
To contact Barbara, please email
her at
Or call her at: (254) 493-1621
“There are
many myths
and romanti-
cized views of
what it is to
be Amish
and my goal
is to share re-
al life experi-
ences with the