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Dee ’ s News
Vo l ume 2 I ssue 2
Harvey and Lynsey’s Wedding
Harvey Swartzentruber and
Lynsey Nixon were married in
a beautiful ceremony on the
first day of the New Year!
Their wedding took place in
the Great Room of the Mount
Vernon Developmental Cen-
ter, built in 1905. The colors
chosen by the bride were
chocolate, blue, cream, and
silver. Bridesmaids were Sara
Smith, Laura Nixon, and
Melissa Kellum. Groomsmen
were Uria Gingrich, Sam
Hershberger, and Mose
Slabaugh. Ushers were Mosie
Shetler and Josh
Swartzentruber. They were
joined in marriage by the Rev.
Mike Cloud of the Impact
Church. Following the cere-
mony, the bridal party and
guests enjoyed 2-bite desserts
provided by 8 Sisters Bakery
of Mt. Gilead, live music, and
a hot beverage bar. The couple
honeymooned on a Caribbean
Cruise, and upon their return,
opened wedding gifts and
cards. They are living at 213
Crystal Avenue, Mount
Vernon, OH. Lynsey is a RN
in the Center for Wound Heal-
ing, Knox Community Hospi-
tal, and Harvey is the produc-
tion Manager for 64 Metals, St.
Three Take Their GED Tests
state. “At least the school let me go ahead and take the test; I just
can’t view the results till this problem is resolved.”
Here is what Lizzie Yoder, who lives in Ashland, said about earning
her GED: “I grew up Amish and went to school for eight school
terms. I thought that was enough schooling, but I soon realized I was
wrong when I left the culture. I was encouraged to start GED classes.
While I was taking classes, I accumulated house cleaning jobs and got
a full job at Brethren Care Nursing Center. I was encouraged by
friends and family to start back last year in February and I passed in
November. It took me almost three years to complete my GED. I
would encourage everyone that has left the Amish culture to get their
GED. It will help to get a job sooner as a GED or high school diplo-
ma is required. Thank you to everyone for your prayers.” Congratula-
tions Lizzie, Elizabeth, and Monroe!
And now abideth faith, hope,
charity, these three; but the
greatest of these is charity.
I Corinthians 13:13 (KJV)
Elizabeth Miller Monroe Raber
Lizzie Yoder
Three hard workers have taken their GED tests. Elizabeth Miller
lives in Ashland, Ohio, and received her GED in January. Mon-
roe Raber lives in Jackson, Ohio and is waiting to hear back
about the results of his GED test because of a glitch with the