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Dee ’ s News
Vo l ume 2 I ssue 3
Meet Stephen Schmidt : Blue Grass/Southern Gospel Musician
Event Schedule for
Schmidt & First Love
April 16, Maple Syrup Fest,
Schmidt Furniture Co Pending
May 8, Private Wedding
May 18, Amish Acres Nap-
panee IN
May 21, Wedding May
June 5, Niles MI Bluegrass
June 11,Wakarusa IN Blue-
grass Festival
June 13 7:45,Amish Acres
Nappanee IN
June 15, Amish Acres Nap-
panee IN
June 24-25, Down Home
Gospel Sing, Troyer Hollow,
Holmes County Ohio, 330-231-
June 26, Bethany Church,
Fredericksburg, OH 330-279-3871
July 23 7:45 Amish Acres
Nappanee IN
Aug 29 Amish Acres Nappa-
nee IN 7:30
Sept 19, Amish Acres, Nap-
panee IN
Oct 20, Amish Acres, Nap-
panee IN
Nov 17 Amish Acres, Nap-
panee IN
Dec 3 Amish Acres, 7:30 Nappa-
nee IN
What are Power of Attorneys, Wills, & Living Wills and Who Needs
Gathering legal documents seems very hard
to do, but these legal papers are important
to our lives. We often don’t know which
documents we need or what they even
mean. This article will give a brief and sim-
ple description of three important docu-
ments most single people need; even young
people. If you’re married, you will also need
these legal papers, but some of the direc-
tions for using them are a little different.
Check with legal advice before you sign
anything. Here is a quick description of
three legal documents most single adults
should have.
1. Will
(sometimes called a last will and
testament). This document tells people who
you want to have your money, property
(like furniture, land, car, etc.) after your
death. For married couples with children,
this document is very important because
you will also let people know who will le-
gally raise your children and provide
money, home, etc. for them in case you and
your spouse die.
2. Living Will
This document is used to
tell the doctors, nurses and medical com-
Left to Right: Nelson Miller, Sharon Conley, Orie Conley,
Stephen Schmidt, Rosetta Schmidt
Stephen Schmidt is well-known to
his appreciative audiences so it is
wonderful to get to know him
Dee’s News
Stephen reports that he and his
wife, Rosetta, have “been signing
for the last 20+ years.” They, along
with the other members of their
singing group,
Conley-Schmidt &
First Love
, are in the process of
recording their ninth album. They
hope to have a national release to
Bluegrass, as well as Southern Gos-
pel venues some time this spring.
“We are in the process of recording
in North Carolina at the Easter
Bros. Studio.”
Members of the group are Nelson
Miller, Sharon Conley, Orie
Conley, Stephen Schmidt, Rosetta
munity how you would like them to handle
your life if you are so injured or so sick
there is no reasonable chance you will sur-
vive. You sign this to let them know if you
do not
want medical procedures used to
keep you alive, or if you
want medical
procedures used to keep you alive.
3. Durable Power of Attorney for
This document tells the doc-
tors, nurses and medical community who
you would like to make medical decisions
for you
if you are not able to make the
decisions for yourself. (For example: if you
are in a coma and can’t speak for yourself.)
You may choose one or more persons who
know how you feel about what kinds of
medical procedures you would like to have
used on you. It is important to choose
someone who knows your values and how
you would like to live.
For all of these documents it is important
for you to talk to the people you choose to
know about your legal decisions and docu-
ments. Tell them what you have signed,
where the documents are located, and how
you feel about each decision.
In the near future, (hoping to have it all
ready to go in May 2011) we will be host-
ing a gathering at my house in Mansfield,
Ohio, with an attorney present, who will
be able to talk to us about what these
documents are and how to get them.
Keep watching
Dee’s News
for more infor-
mation about the date, time, and the name
of the attorney who will be helping us
learn more about legal documents. We
plan to have a very casual evening (or day)
with pizza and drinks included. I hope
each of you will add this event to your
schedule. Let’s gather and learn together
how to handle these important issues!