Page 5 - Dees News September 2011

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8 Sister’s Bakery has added a new location! They
have expanded into Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Their se-
cond bakery location is at 856 Coshocton Avenue.
They offer a full line of bakery items with orders
available for wedding, birthday, and event cakes.
Their motto is ―You Name It, We Bake It!‖ They
will even use a special recipe, if requested by the
customer. And don’t forget about their baker’s
dozen offer: 13 items of donuts, etc. when a dozen
is purchased. The new bakery in Mt. Vernon will
eventually become the main bakery location since
the property is larger and will better suit their bak-
ing needs, but their Mt. Gilead location will remain open for business as usual.
Here’s the information about the new bakery location:
8 Sister’s Bakery
856 Coshocton Ave. Tues.-Fri.: 6-5:30
Mt. Vernon, Ohio
Sat.: 6-2
(740) 392-2252
Closed Sun. & Mon.
Page 5
News l et t er T i t l e
Vo l ume 1, I ssue 1
Rachel Keim Raber earned her GED in August, 2010
and Johnny Raber earned his GED in June, 2011. A
celebration day was held for both at the home of
Wayne and Chris Vallowe in Ashland, Ohio on Satur-
day, July 30. Several friends and family members came
by to show their support and give congrats to the grad-
uates. We’re proud of both Johnny and Rachel!
Graduation Party for Johnny Raber & Rachel Keim Raber
8 Sister’s Bakery: Mt. Vernon Expansion!
Uriah Shelter Baptism
Uriah Shetler followed the Lord’s example in baptism on Sunday, July 24th at
Bethel Baptist Church in Savannah, Ohio. Joe Keim baptized was the presiding
pastor. Uriah says ―I can say from heart, God has faithfully brought me out of the
Amish, not knowing where I would go or what would become of me, and has
brought me so far in eight months!‖ Congratulations, Uriah!