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Dee ’ s News
Vo l ume 3 I ssue 3
Serving Our Country
in the Military
Let’s keep these soldiers
in our prayers!
Ryan James Borntreger
Aden Keim
(Nephew of Kevin McCann)
*To add a name to the list, please contact Dee*
Marathon Runner!
Susan Schlabach participated in the
fifth annual Union Hospital Run
for Home benefit. Proceeds from
the event benefit the Tuscarawas
Valley Habitat for Humanity. Matt
Ritzert, race director, said 495 peo-
ple took part in the half-marathon,
with more than 1,000 people in-
cluded overall, as runners or sup-
Susan said “It was very warm and I didn't get the tim-
ing I wanted, but I finished, and I guess that’s what
counts. My time was 2:20.”
The 13.1-mile half-marathon took runners from
Tuscora Park to Dover City Park and back to Tuscora
Park, where runners finished inside Woody Hayes
Quaker Stadium. The Tuscora Park Pavilion proved to
be a busy place as it held the Health and Fitness Fair
early in the day and then served as the place where
competitors received awards and were able to get food
and drinks following the races.
Congratulations on finishing the marathon, Susan!
Miriam Troyer Graduates from Case - Western Reserve EFDA Program
Miriam Troyer graduated from the Case -
Western Reserve School of Dental Medicine
Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary program
(EFDA). Her Friday class graduated on May
18, 2012.
According to Case – Western’s website, “the
Case School of Dental Medicine
is designed to train Certified Dental As-
sistants and Registered Dental Hygienists in
the art of Restorative Dentistry. Upon success-
ful completion of
an auxiliary is eligible to
sit for the state certifying examination provided by the Commission
on Dental Testing in Ohio.”
Miriam began the program on August 11, 2011
and attended once a
week on Fridays. She will take her state of Ohio certification exams
on June 16th. Congratulations, Miriam!