Mary Keim
has a reason
to celebrate!
She passed
her driver’s
test and
earned her
license! Mary’s husband, LeRoy
posted this about his wife and her
accomplishment: “Rejoice with me!
Mary passed her driving test! And
to celebrate I'm taking her out for
lunch at Ryan’s steakhouse! One
proud woman! And I love her!”
Congratulations, Mary!
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Dee ’ s News
Vo l ume 3 I ssue 3
Tragic Car Crash Takes a Life, Injures 2
were Wayne Miller Jr., 18,
and Marvin Schlabach, 18. John
Miller and Wayne Miller are sons
from different Amish families in
Knox County and Schlabach is the
son of a Smyickburg, Pennsylvania
Amish family. All had moved to
Mansfield and worked with Keim
Construction. Wayne Miller, Jr. has
since returned to his Amish family.
Marvin Schlabach is recovering from
his injuries with rehab in Mansfield,
Ohio. Please keep the family of John
and the injured young men, Wayne, Jr.
and Marvin, in your prayers.
Mary Keim Gets Her
Driver’s License!
Haiti: Mission Accomplished
William Keim headed up another mission
trip to Haiti on January 7th to 15th, 2012.
William reports “the ministry our group
hooked up with was LSM (Loving Shep-
herd Ministry) Homes of Hope. LSM, who
takes in orphans and trains them life skills,
bought a ranch in Haiti. The ranch is 200
miles from the airport and it took another 5
-6 hours by bus to finally get there, but it
was worth it.
They plan to have a school on the ranch
and teach the orphans how to farm, so they
are in need of quite a few buildings. Some
will be used for housing animals, storing
machinery and shops. The buildings that
will be concrete, which cost more but help
keep the temperature cooler, will be used
for housing the orphans and clinics for the
sick. Wooden buildings are hotter in sum-
mer, but are also cheaper.
Our group was to show and teach the Hai-
tian men how to build a pole barn which
could withstand 150 an hour winds. Their
goal is to build 21 pole barns. Although
there were a couple Haitian men who knew
some English, and our guys did try to use
the Haitian language when they could
by using a translation chart and by memo-
rizing common words, the language most
used was pointing and hand gesturing.
It was such a wonderful opportunity to see
how another country worships God. Actu-
ally, they even sing the same hymns we do,
but in a different language. Our lives have
been changed from this trip.”
Those who went were William and Jenica
Keim, Abe Schrock, Malinda Hershberger,
Levi Shetler, and John Miller.
(Note from
Dee: John Miller passed away from in-
juries he received in a car accident in
March. He will be missed by his friends
and loved ones.)
One person was killed and two
others injured in a one-car acci-
dent in Mansfield on March 6.
The driver of the car, John Mil-
ler, 18, died in the accident. Also
injured in the accident