Page 6 - Dees News July 2013

Page 6
Dee ’ s News
Vo l ume 4 I ssue 4
Please Send Your News To:
Dee Yoder
Annfield Drive
Mansfield, OH 44903
phone: 419-589-7382
Amish Descendant Scholarship Fund: Behind the Title
By now we’ve all heard about the
ADS Fund, but who are the people
involved with it? Following are the
bios of the four former Amish who
were inspired to create the fund.
Emma Miller
Emma left the
Amish when she
was 16 so she could
continue her educa-
tion. She is currently
working at Shell as a
Risk Marketing An-
alyst in London, UK. She has a Mas-
ters degree in Economics and Fi-
nance from London Metropolitan
University and a BA in Economics
from San Diego State University.
She strongly believes that education
should be available to everyone who
wants it. If you have any questions
about ADSF or would like to ask
her any questions about Amish life,
you can email her at emmamil-
Naomi Kramer
Naomi grew up in
Jamesport, Mis-
souri and graduat-
ed with her nurs-
ing degree from
Goshen College in
Indiana. She is
now working at the Goshen Hospi-
tal, following her dream of being a
nurse. Naomi is passionate about
ADSF and has worked really hard to
make it happen.
Saloma Furlong
Saloma was born
and raised in an
Amish community
in Ohio. Driven by
her desire for free-
dom and more for-
mal education, she
broke away from her community––
not once, but twice. She graduated
from Smith College in May 2007
with a major in German Studies and
a minor in Philosophy. Her educa-
tion has included research on the
Amish with Dr. Donald Kraybill and
a semester abroad in Germany,
where she studied at the University
of Hamburg. She is the author of
the memoir Why I Left the Amish.
In February 2012, she was featured
in the PBS documentary The
Amish that aired on American Ex-
perience. During her thirty-year in-
ner struggle of coming to terms with
her Amish past, she has gleaned a
better understanding of herself and
her heritage. It is this perspective
that she brings to her reflections
about Amish.
William Troyer
William grew up in
Parkman Ohio
where he started
working full time
straight out of the
th grade. At the
age of 18 he left the
Amish and moved
to Celina Tennessee, where he
helped start the Dutch Craft Mat-
tress Company. After 4 years of
managing the factory he decided to
act on his aspirations of acquiring a
higher education. He currently re-
sides in Akron Ohio and attends
The University of Akron, where he
is pursuing his BA in Finance.
The ADS Fund is now accepting
applications. The deadline to apply
is August 10, 2013. If you would like
to apply, copy this link into your
browser and follow the directions
given on the page: