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Dee ’ s News
Vol ume 4 I ssue 2
Please Send Your News To:
Dee Yoder
Annfield Drive
Mansfield, OH 44903
phone: 419-589-7382
You may have heard your parents say: Don't let the
devil deceive you. They were right! You see, the devil
desires to destroy your life into shreds and spit on you.
Run away from sin and run to Jesus. He waits for you
and desires to receive you. When you do that, Jesus
will save your life. With that you will know real happi-
ness and have full assurance that you are on your way
to heaven.
Let's not ever forget that Jesus suffered the following
on our behalf: He was beat with a whip. He was
slapped and spit on and mocked. And finally, He was
nailed to a cross and left to die. Why? Because of your
sins and mine!
God desires to wash you with the cleansing blood of
His Son, but before He can do that, you and I have to
see the wickedness of our Sin before a Holy God and
There will be singing and shouting in heaven when
one soul repents of their sinful lifestyle. The Lord God
will receive you even now, regardless of your past.
John 3:14-16 says: And as Moses lifted up the serpent
in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be
lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not
perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the
world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoso-
ever believeth in Him should not perish, but have ev-
erlasting life.
Will you turn from fornication and drunkenness and
believe in Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins and
everlasting life? It is a decision. It is a choice. Please,
for the sake of your soul and eternal future, consider
Planting an Early Spring Garden
Organic Authority
You don’t have to wait until the last average frost date in your
area to start a vegetable garden outdoors. As soon as the ground
can be worked, onions, peas and spinach can be added to your
garden. If you are going to grow your own onion seedlings, start
them indoors approximately eight weeks before transplanting
time. Onions sets, which are small onion bulbs, can also be pur-
chased for planting. Peas should be directly seeded in your gar-
den and do best with support from a trellis or other structure.
In early spring, approximately two weeks prior to the last average
frost date in your area, it’s safe to plant lettuce, beets, carrots,
radishes, dill, cilantro, cabbage, broccoli, celery, kale and pota-
toes outdoors. Both lettuce and celery seeds need light to germi-
nate. Be careful to only cover these varieties of seeds lightly with
soil during the planting process. Directly sow carrot, radish, dill
and cilantro seeds. Transplanting is not recommended for these
types of vegetables and herbs. To learn more, go to: