Page 1 - November 2011 Newsletter

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Mission to Amish People
P.O. Box 128, 575 St Rt 250 N
Savannah, Ohio 44874
(419) 962-1515
November 2011
Merry Christmas Friend:
I greet you in the name of Jesus—the
sweetest and most precious name I
As I sit here thinking about all the things
Jesus did for us wretched and sinful hu-
mans, I find myself yearning ever so
much to be with Him. How much long-
er, sweet Jesus, before we can sit at Your
communion table and hear your precious
voice ring throughout the heavens of glo-
ry? The splendor and great wonders of
the coming Promised Land are distant
but within sight. Ah, yes, the best is yet to
But until You call our name, Lord, we
will do our very best to continue on with
the task of reaching more souls for the
Kingdom of God. —Amen
As we close in on 11 years of ministry, I
can’t help but look back and ask: what
did God do through MAP in 2011?
God’s people gave so generously—
not in finances only but also in labor.
We remove our hats and bow in total
humility and appreciation. Thank you
for sharing our call and burden.
Note: By year’s end, well over $250,00
will have been given to MAP by 275 or-
ganizations and individuals. About 150-
200 volunteers have given roughly 10,000
hours of their time, helping us get the
gospel out. Now you know why the tears
in my eyes are filled with appreciation
and joy.
Church presentations—The ministry
was presented at 62 churches in eight
different states. During October
alone, I spoke at 11
churches. We are al-
mo s t c omp l e t e l y
booked through May
of 2012.
Note: Our goal in present-
ing MAP to churches is
(1) God’s people might
understand and become
involved with the over-
whelming need to evangelize and disciple
those who are and used to be Amish.
(2) More would join in giving financially
on a monthly basis. Like you, we feel our
time is limited, and with the end drawing
near, we still have so many that have nev-
er heard the clear and undiluted gospel
that Jesus alone brings peace and ever-
lasting life. Pray that churches who heard
our presentations will join MAP in giving.
Bible Club and the Amish Voice—
tens of thousands of mailings went
out of our little office in remote Sa-
vannah OH. So far, 215 living souls
who will one day stand in front of
God, wrote to let us know they
placed their faith in Christ. This adds
to about 1,800 salvation decisions
since MAP began in 2000.
Mentoring, Bible studies and prayer
meetings—about 12 men and women
continue to meet on a weekly bases
to spend time with young converts
and pray for revival among the saved.
Note: as the Bible tells us, many false
brethren have crept in and are devouring
the flock of God. Freedom and oppor-
tunity have caused far too many to be-
come lukewarm and put God in second
place. Many times, I fall asleep at night
begging God to move and move quickly.
Oh, how I yearn and weep for revival to
come in our day!
Counseling needs—as the ministry
grows, more and more people are
calling for help. This year, we have
had to deal with suicide, bitterness,
incest, rejection and so many other
painful emotions. We have connect-
ed quite a few Amish and former
Amish with a ministry called Caring
for the Heart, organized by John Re-
Note: it is still my desire and prayer that
one day God would allow MAP to estab-
lish their own counseling ministry, using
John Regier’s 5-day counseling approach.
Three thousand dollars has been given
toward this ministry project.
Sharing our home—
Esther and I have enjoyed
sharing our home with two
young girls named Mary
and Martha this year. They
are both trying to get on
their feet. Hardly a week
goes by that we don't have
others staying at our home
for meals and a night of
lodging; sometimes three or four at a
time. Oftentimes, we feel guilty be-
cause we can’t seem to provide the
time so many require.
Re lecting on 2011
—By Joe Keim
Bible Study