Page 2 Mission to Amish People —
Online testimony
Hi! I came across your
ministry online not too
long ago when searching
for information about the
Amish and whether any-
one was attempting to
reach them with the Gos-
pel. I've had a burden for
the Amish for a little over
a year now (I come from
an English background
and have no connection
with the Amish), and
when our family first
visited "Amish country"
not too long ago, my sis-
ter in law also was struck
with this same burden.
We'd like to do whatever
we can to help out. We
were wondering, what is
your greatest financial
need at this time that we
could contribute to, and
also, since we only live a
couple of hours away, do
you have any upcoming
volunteer opportunities?
We would love to come
down sometime and help
out if at all possible.
Thanks so much, and
may the Lord bless you!
Christmas Dinner With the Volunteers
—by Joe Keim
The Lord has blessed us with
many volunteers who make up
for five full time employees.
They come from miles away and
they put in thousands of hours.
Two weeks ago, a couple
walked in from about 45
minutes away and said, “we
have been following the minis-
try for two years and couldn’t
wait to retire so we could start
volunteering every week.
In December, our staff brought
all the volunteers together (total
of 82) and had an all you can eat
barbeque ribs night, followed
with some entertainment and
blessings from the year.
One volunteer writes:
I volun-
teer at MAP two days a week
and the Bible Club is reaching
and having an impact on thou-
sands of Amish people. Can you
imagine the excitement as the
children in the family go to the
mail box and there are a num-
ber of pieces of literature with
their name on it?
For children and young adults
to receive this material is a little
thing that has a big influence for
them to take Jesus into their
hearts. I am handicapped and
cannot do much as a missionary
but this is an avenue that allows
me to witness. We send out lots
of mail, it takes lots of money to
buy postage and paper and ma-
I used to be the director of a five
county American Lung Associa-
tion and I know how important
volunteers are to a non profit
organization. This is a well run
organization and Tina who
keeps everyone working is to be
congratulated. Love MAP!!!
Sharing the Holidays With Former Amish
—by Joe Keim
I have been witness-
ing to a dying Amish man
whose name is Henry; He
has cancer. But I can’t seem
to make salvation clear
enough for him to grasp and
understand. Is there anyway
you can send me some liter-
ature that would help?
Yes, we will mail you
the booklet, “Amish: Our
Friends, But Are They Fel-
low Believers?” It will tell
you the best ways to ap-
proach your friend with the
gospel. In the meantime,
please help him to see that
salvation is a gift that can-
not be earned.
Pam (two days later):
Just a note to let
you know that
today 12/21 was
Henry's funeral.
I never got a
chance to talk to
him. I feel so defeated from
Satan. I don't understand
how you handle this. Please
pray for this family and us
as we grieve his loss.
I am very sorry to hear
about this and can only im-
agine what you must feel in
your heart. At times like
have very
few choices
but to give
things over
to the Lord
and keep witnessing to oth-
ers who are still alive. Eter-
nity is too long to spend in
the flames of hell.
Numerous fam-
ilies in our area
reached out to
Amish who are
single and had
nowhere to go on Thanksgiving and Christmas day. Uriah said, “I miss my family very much, but
thanks be to God for the Abel family; Christmas Day was special after all.”
Quick, An Amish Man is Dying and Doesn’t know the Lord
—by Joe Keim
Bible Lessons for Amish
Several Pastors and I have been working
on adult level Bible lessons for the
Amish. Please pray for us as we create
correspondence lessons from the Book
of John. Also,
In His Steps Foundation
gave MAP $5,000 to help promote the
Bible Club through a 2012 catalog, list-
ing 30+ courses. We are getting them
printed and will be mailing 7,000-8,000
out in January. We still need to raise
$3,000 to complete the project.