1. Bible Club
Dear Bible Club, I am glad that there are Mail-Box Club
Teachers, I took the Lord Jesus as my Savior with what I
learned from Lessons 11 and 12. I learned that proud,
cheating, stealing, lying, hate, ugly, disobedience and
bad attitude is the self-life. Marlin
2. Donor
Dear Brother Keim, Our Children’s Club has been work-
ing throughout the school-year to collect their change
offerings in order to present them to your ministry.
The kids have had contests and also weekly challenges in
order to provide an offering which may be used toward
reaching the children within the scope of your ministry
with the Amish.
In one such contest, I grew out my moustache for a few
weeks and the kids were able to “vote” on whether or
not I kept it! One container for coins was marked
“SAVE” and the other was marked “SHAVE.” Whichev-
er of the two contained the most money by the end of the
contest, I would do -- as it happens, there was a TIE in
the amount. (I knew there would be, as I wanted the
most fun to occur for the kids) Well, what do you do in a
TIE? Shave HALF of the moustache off! The kids cheered
on as my wife took off half of it while leaving the other
half! All in fun Brother, all in FUN!
The Club Kids present you with this offering with cheer-
ful hearts! Note: They gave $350. —In Christ, Thomas
3. Amish Voice
Here is my donation of $20.00. I would like for you to
send me the Amish Voice every month. I read my par-
ents Amish Voice and I believe it got me closer to God
and a better understanding. Thank you. —Nelson
4. Amish Descendant Scholarship Fund
Dear Friends, I'm glad to see that there is a mission dedi-
cated to those Amish people who are looking for a way
out. Sadly, I have seen Amish young people fall into bad
situations simply because they had nowhere to go when
they left home. I left the Amish when I was 16 and there
were kind helping hands along the way and I have al-
ways felt that someday I should give back to the commu-
nity. Me and a few other former-Amish people have
founded a scholarship fund for students with Amish
I always had a strong desire to get a higher education
and I would like to make it a little easier for those who
come behind me. We don't know how much the scholar-
ship/s will be yet because we have to see how many do-
nations we get, but we're hoping to give the first one this
June. I was wondering if you know quite a few people
that would qualify for the scholarship? We want to reach
as many former-Amish as we can and create a support
network for those who want to go to college. I'd be hap-
py to hear your thoughts. —Emma
More Information: http://adsfund.weebly.com
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2012 Testimonies