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The Amish Voice
According as his divine power hath given
unto us all things that pertain unto life
and godliness, through the knowledge of
him that has called us to glory and vir-
tue: Whereby are given to us exceeding
great and precious promises: that by
these you might be partakers of the di-
vine nature, having escaped the corrup-
tion that is in the world through lust.
—2nd Pet.1:3-4
I have often asked the question, "What is
my faith based on?"
Is it based on the word of
Is it based on some
creed or belief system?
Is it based on some man,
or just because grandpa
said so?
Is it based on tradition or
even in a church or particu-
lar denomination?
What is the foundation on which
I am building on?
With all the political shaking
ing on in the world and all the eco-
nomic instability, will my faith be able
to stand?
What if persecution comes to America,
will my faith stand the test?
Only God truly knows some of those an-
swers but I can take a close look at what I
put my faith in.
Is it truly in the person of Jesus Christ
and his finished work on the cross?
When Jesus was hanging on the cross, he
"It is finished."
Then he hung his head
and died. —John 19:30
Was what he accomplished for you and
I enough, or do we have to add some-
thing to it, in order to be
Let's take a look
at the words that he used. The
“It is finished”,
is the Greek word
It means: to complete, to perform, to
fulfill, to pay in full.
Jesus paid the full price for our salvation. He
paid the ransom for our captivity, our bond-
age. We were held captive by Satan but Je-
sus paid the ultimate ransom by giving his
own life. A lot of times when people are kid-
napped, the kidnappers will demand a ran-
som. Well Jesus paid ours. We are free from
the power of Satan. He has no more domin-
ion over us. Isn't that good news!
The Father had to watch his son go through
the cruel beatings, the mocking and that
cruel death on the cross so that we could be
born again through faith in the sacrifice of
the Lamb who was slain from the founda-
tions of the world. Wouldn't it be
an insult to God to say, "What
Jesus did was not enough"?
In Hebrews 12:2 it says that we
are to look to Jesus because he
is the author and finisher of
our faith. It is through faith in
him that we can be born
again. Not by our own works
or all the good things we
have done, but by all the
good things he has done.
We must put our trust in
what he has done and in the
promises that he gave us. For it is in put-
ting our faith in the promises of God that we
can be partakers of the divine nature of
One of those promises is found in Romans
That if thou shalt confess with thy
mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe
in thine heart that God has raised him
from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Not might be, or if you try hard enough, or
PO Box 128, 575 State Route 250 N, Savannah OH 44874 Office: (419) 962-1515 May 2011
Is What Jesus Did, And Said, Enough?
—Jonathan Helmuth