Page 11 - Amish Voice - May 2012

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The Amish Voice 11
No question is too small or unim-
portant, and you can remain anon-
ymous if you need to. We will post
your question and an answer in a
small section of one of the upcom-
ing issues of the Amish Voice.
The Amish Voice, PO Box 128,
Savannah OH 44874, or call us at
(419) 962-1515
it just sees beyond natural sight. All the while as
we study, the question is on our mind; can I
trust him fully? Your confidence in the work of
Jesus Christ as it applies to you will grow as you
look at the evidence. That evidence is the testi-
mony of the writers of the New Testament.
Many find the gospel of John the most reveal-
When Jesus Christ came, many missed the
event because they failed to
consider the evidence that was
presented. Prophets from long
ago spoke of what he would be
like, but it took eyes of faith to
see, just as it does today. The
angels rejoiced in the presence
of the shepherds on that
hillside near Bethlehem that a
Savior was born. Did you real-
ize angels are concerned about
you personally? That makes
the Bible a personal message.
Likewise, I say
unto you, there is joy in the presence of the an-
gels of God over one sinner that repenteth.
(Luke 15: 10)
This statement is true of you as well as me.
Jesus came to save those who call upon his
name. Because all have sinned; all have need of
a Savior. (Romans 3: 23)
That too requires faith since scripture makes
the claim. Do you believe that any sin will meet
its just reward and that the wages of sin is
death? Some say, “Oh, I’m not that bad. I be-
lieve the good will outweigh the bad”. Unfortu-
nately, that’s not in the Bible. If we had a
chance of making it to heaven by doing good,
Jesus would not have needed to give his life as a
ransom. By faith we understand we have need of
a savior and by faith we reach out when we are
convicted of sin. Our good works will not get us
across. The first substitute most people look to
is good works. Now it so happens that I love to
see good works, but the Bible says they will not
save any one of us.
Not by works of righteous-
ness which we have done,
but according to His mercy
He saved us... —Titus 3:5
But what if I don’t feel saved?
Do I not trust? For most peo-
ple, faith comes before feeling.
Even though the feeling may
not be there, the fact remains;
God will honor his promises. Will you place
your complete trust in Jesus?
Neither is there salvation in any other: for
there is none other name under heaven giv-
en among men, whereby we must be saved.
—Acts 4:12
How is one saved from all his sin and the fiery
judgment of hell?
For whosoever shall call upon the name of
the Lord shall be saved. —Romans 10:13
—Get in the Wheelbarrow, Cont from back cover—
Do you have a question
for us? Comments? Articles you
would like to put in the Amish
Voice? Please write us.
For by grace are ye
saved through faith;
and that not of your-
it is
the gift
of God: Not of works,
lest any man should
boast. —Eph 2:8-9
We are nev-
er going to
purify the
water by
p a i n t i n g
the pump.
That's legalism, and
that's a dead end to
discovering who you are
in Christ.