The Amish Voice 4
Prophecy, Part 3
As the world continues to turn its back on God, we want to
take a look at what the future holds according to the One
who is the Beginning and the End—God! We hope you
enjoy and benefit from this series, courtesy of Middletown
Bible Church. Follow along, fill in the blanks, and look up!
May we all be ready for the return of Jesus Christ!
The True and the False
There are two kinds of prophets: true
prophets (God's prophets) and false
prophets. False prophets are those
who pretend they have God's
message, but they really do not. They
pretend they are speaking for God,
but they really are not. God has not
even sent them!
How could a person tell a true
prophet from a false prophet? God
has given us two tests so that we can
know the difference:
Test Number One:
It Must Come To Pass
This test is found in Deuteronomy
18:21-22. If a prophet says that
something is going to happen, then it
must come to pass! The prophet must
be 100% accurate. He must never be
wrong. His prediction must come true.
For example, suppose a prophet were to
make this prediction: "Thus saith the
Lord; Don't worry because the enemy
will not invade the land. There will be
peace in this land for many months."
Then, two weeks after the prophet says
this, the enemy comes and invades the
land. Is this prophet a true prophet? ____
Did God really give him this message?
How do you know? Does God ever
make a mistake about what is going to
happen in the future? _______ If a
prophet is a true prophet, then his word
shall come to
(Jeremiah 28:9).
God is never wrong! When He tells us
what will happen in the future, we know
it really will happen. If the Bible says it
will happen, then we can count on it!
Elijah was a true prophet. One day he
told wicked King Ahab that Jezebel
(Ahab's wicked wife) would be eaten by
dogs (I Kings 21:23). Did this happen
just like the prophet said (see 2 Kings
9:30-36)? __________________ God's
prophets always speak the truth!
The prophet Micah said that Christ
would be born in Bethlehem (Micah
5:2). Did this come to pass (Luke 2:4)?
The prophet Daniel said that the Messiah
(Christ) would be "CUT OFF" (Daniel
9:26). This means that He would die by
a violent death. Did this really happen
(John 19:16-10)? ________________
God's prophets are never wrong!
What was the punishment for a false
prophet (Deuteronomy 18:20)?
To pretend to speak God's message when
one is not really
message is very serious! To
people to think that they are hearing
God's message when they really are not
could be compared with a doctor giving
a person medicine which he promises
will cure him, when in reality it will
actually kill him!
Test Number Two:
It Must Be God's Message
The second test of a prophet is found in
Deuteronomy 13:1-5. What happens if a
prophet predicts something and it
come to pass?
You will need a Bible
for this lesson.
Continued next page