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The Amish Voice 14

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At the turn of the Twentieth Century

(over 100 years ago), one of America's

leading newspapers addressed the

following question to many notable

people of that time: "What in your

opinion is the chief danger, social or

political, that confronts the coming

century?” Salvation Army Leader

William Booth, who was invited to reply

to this question, sent the following:

I consider that the chief dangers which

confront the coming century will be:

1. Religion without the Holy Spirit

2. Christianity without Christ

3. Forgiveness without repentance

4. Salvation without regeneration

5. Politics without God

6. Heaven without Hell

I think most religious people of the 21


Century would have a difficult time

saying that these predictions have not

been fulfilled to some degree. Let's look

at each of these predictions, one at a


Religion Without the Holy Spirit

But ye shall receive power, after that the

Holy Ghost is come upon you.

Acts 1:8

I have to admit that this one may be the

hardest for me to discuss. Why?

Because for most of my life I have

participated in religion without the Holy

Spirit. I still struggle with this – and I

don’t think I am alone.

Sadly, many so-called Christians

and churches are nearly void of God's

Holy Spirit. How can that be? We

have grieved the Holy Spirit (1

Thessalonians 5:19). We refuse to allow

the Holy Spirit to fill us and control us

because we refuse to give up any control.

It is impossible for God to be the driver

of our life if we won't let Him have the

reins. We know that God can take us

farther and higher than we could ever

hope to get without him, and yet we still

refuse to turn our entire being over to


Many times when I have attempted to

turn everything over to God, I became

frightened because I felt like I was out of

control. That causes me to fight to

regain control. I forget that God can't be

in control until I am completely out of


Over the past 2,000 years, our religion

has become much more political, social

and institutional in nature – and much

less spiritual. We are so busy "playing

church" that we have squeezed the Holy

Spirit out of church.

Most Christian societies have been

involved with institutional and/or

denominational religion for so long that

they don’t know any different. They

don’t know how to turn control over to

Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They do

everything by the book – but they are

often using the wrong book. They

adhere to many man-made doctrines and

traditions that cannot be supported by the

Holy Scriptures.

The church (group of Christians) that I

meet with and have fellowship with on a

Dangers of the 20th Century

—By Kit Pharo

—Continued on next page—