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The Amish Voice 14

like it had in England. England went so

far as to forbid worship in private

homes. All church activities were spon-

sored and controlled by the English gov-

ernment. People were forced to go to

the state-established church and do

things that were contrary to their con-

science. No other churches were al-

lowed. Mandatory attendance of the

state-established church was compelled

under the Conventicle Act of

1665. Failure to comply could result in

imprisonment and torture.

Our founding fathers wanted freedom of

religion—NOT freedom from reli-

gion. That is why many of them had

come to the American colonies in the

first place. Those who scream,

"Separation of Church and State" have

absolutely no idea what they are talking


The United States Constitution was

founded on biblical principles and it

seemed to be the intention of the authors

for this to be a Christian nation. The

Constitution was put together by 55 peo-

ple, of which 52 were evangelical Chris-

tians. Research indicates that 94% of all

quotes by our founding fathers were

based on the Bible. The founding fa-

thers took ideas from the Bible and did

their best to incorporate them into our

government. Unfortunately, things went

downhill from there.

In October 1961, the Supreme Court of

the United States officially removed

prayer from our public schools. If our

founding fathers didn't want prayer in

government, why did they pray publicly

at nearly all official meetings? Since

that Supreme Court decision of 1961,

there has been much effort to forbid

reading from the Bible in school – even

silent reading during free time.

In recent years, the first amendment has

wrongly been used to remove displays of

religious texts like the Ten Command-

ments from public areas and government





States. There is talk about removing the

phrase "In God We Trust" from our cur-

rency. This is NOT at all what the First

Amendment is about.

What are we allowing to happen? I

don't think you can argue with the fact

that as we have removed God from our

politics, our government, and our educa-

tional systems, there has been a very dra-

matic decrease in the morality and the

integrity of the American people. It ap-

pears to me that our society is slowly

degenerating into a corrupt system in

which people misuse the authority of the

government to obtain what they want at

the expense of others. If we don't bring

God back into our politics, this once

great nation of ours is doomed to fall


“All that is necessary for the triumph of

evil is for good men do nothing.”

Edmond Burke (1729-1797)

I can't say that our politics and our gov-

ernment are completely void of God,

because we still have Godly people in

politics and in our government. We still

have Godly teachers in our school sys-

tems. However, we have many less

Godly people in place than we had 50

years ago.

Friends, it is time to take a stand and to

make a difference. Let us be more ear-

nest in prayer and in support of our lead-

ers who really do know and love God.

We need to back and support leaders

who are Godly men and women.

If my people, which are called by my

name, shall humble themselves, and

pray, and seek my face, and turn

from their wicked ways; then will I

hear from heaven, and will forgive

their sin, and will heal their land. 2

Chronicles 7:14

Don’t just GO to church; BE

the church

In the next issues, we will be looking at the last

of these chief dangers. In the meantime, let us

cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh

and spirit, perfecting holiness in

the fear of God. 2 Corinthians 7:1

Dangers—Continued from Page 13


Smith, p. 345). They believe God the

Father has a “body of flesh and bones as

tangible as man’s” (Doctrine and

Covenants 130:22). Brigham Young

taught that Adam actually was God and

the father of Jesus Christ—although this

teaching has been abandoned by modern

Mormon leaders.

In contrast, Christians know this about

God: there is only one true God

(Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 43:10; 44:6–8).

He always has existed and always will

exist (Deuteronomy 33:27; Psalm 90:2; 1

Timothy 1:17). He was not created but is

the Creator (Genesis 1; Psalm 24:1;

Isaiah 37:16). He is perfect, and no one

else is equal to Him (Psalm 86:8; Isaiah

40:25). God the Father is not a man, nor

was He ever (Numbers 23:19; 1 Samuel

15:29; Hosea 11:9). He is Spirit (John

4:24), and Spirit is not made of flesh and

bone (Luke 24:39).

Mormons believe that there are different

levels or kingdoms in the afterlife: the





kingdom, the telestial kingdom, and outer

darkness (Mormon Doctrine, p. 348).

Where mankind will end up depends on

what they believe and do in this life (2

Nephi 25:23; Articles of Faith, p.79).

In contrast, the Bible tells us that after

death we go to heaven or hell based on

Cont from back page…Mormon Beliefs

Continued next page