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The Amish Voice 2

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good; but they do not make a new

creature. If we are born of God, then we

have power, and will overcome the

world. Now I find there are a great many

people that, the moment we touch on

regeneration and the new birth, say: "I

have heard people tell the day and the

hour when they were converted; but I

never had that experience. I cannot point

to a day or an hour when God met me,

and when old things passed away."

Therefore they are in great trouble, for

fear they have not been

converted. Let me say, right here,

that it is of little account when or

where it took place, and you can

soon find out whether it has taken

place or not.

Some people are converted like

the flashing of a fireball; with

others it is like the rising of the

morning sun, and you cannot tell

the minute it was light. But if

they have passed from death unto

life, they can soon tell by reading

the Word of God whether they

have been born again or not.

So it is not necessary for us to be

able to tell when or where this

birth took place; but it is very important

that we should be able to say that we are

new creatures in Christ Jesus; that we

have been born of the Spirit, because

Christ gave no uncertain sound about this

thing. He said, Except a man be born

again, except he be converted, except he

become as a little child, he cannot see the

kingdom of God. We have to come like

little children into his kingdom. So it is

very important to search the Scriptures,

and see whether we have been born again

or not.

The next new thing we get is a creation


It says in the 5th chapter of 2nd

Corinthians, 17th verse: "

Therefore, if

any man be in Christ, he is a new

creature; old things are passed away;

behold, all things are become new.


There was a man converted when we

were in New York. He was an awful hard

case; he had been drinking a great many

years. He was a Frenchman, came from

Canada. He had been brought up from his

childhood to drink; and he never saw any

harm in it till he drank his family all

away from him; and there he was, a

wanderer. He came into one of the

meetings, and some friends talked with

him, and got down and prayed with him.

The moment he began to ask God for

mercy, God blessed him right there.

When he got up, he did not know

himself. He was a new man in old

clothes. He has held on ever since; his

appetite for strong drink is gone; and he

has become a new creature in Christ

Jesus. It takes away the love we have for

this world, and the desire for sin.

We cannot receive the spiritual blessings

that God wants to give us, if we are not

born of the Spirit. It says in 1st

Corinthians, 2d chapter, 14th verse: “


the natural man receiveth not the things

of the Spirit of God; for they are

foolishness unto him; neither can he

know them, because they are spiritually



The moment you begin to talk to some

people about spiritual things, they say, "I

don't understand them;" and it is a sign

they have not been born of God. I can

tell, when I am preaching, that

they do not understand a word I

say. The Word of God is all a

myth to them, it is all

foolishness to them. They do

not believe the word of God.

But the moment a person is

born of the Spirit, he receives

the Word of God into his heart,

and so gets strength.


natural man receiveth not

spiritual things


Then, the next thing that we

get with this new birth is a

new nature.

We become

partakers of the Divine nature.

If we have a nature that is

Godlike and Christlike, a nature that

longs for God and spiritual things, it is an

evidence that we have been born of the

Spirit. The old nature may remain, does

remain, but we get a new nature; we

serve God, and we cannot serve him

without that nature. This new nature must

have a new God. Everyone in your

neighborhood has some god; if not the

God of heaven, some idol that has been

made into a god. We have new hopes,

new aims, new desires, new aspirations

then. Old things have floated away; and

we have something better. The new