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The Amish Voice 12

Amish Voice Conference Calls

(Past, Present, and Future)

Join us for a live conference call on the first

Sunday of every month at 8:00 p.m. EST.

Simply dial

(302) 202-1110

, and then enter the

conference code


. Join us in discussion

or just listen to the call!




Sunday Night, February 05:

Sam Tr oyer


Sunday Night, March 05

Your Eter nal

Home, Zion

Sunday Night, April 02

: Ephesians 1





If you missed any of our

previous conference

call discussions

, dial

(641) 715-3800,




and listen to the recordings.

January—Allowed or Not Allowed for


What does the Bible say about

things like gambling, smoking, music, alcohol,

modesty, etc.


Ar e we supposed to

keep the truth of the gospel to ourselves, or are

we to share it with others all around us? How do

we tell others about the truth and love of Jesus


November—Victory in Jesus:

We all str uggle

and have problems and temptations. We might

not be able to overcome the world, sin, and

Satan on our own, but we can have victory in


October—Unity in Christ:

Is Chr istian unity

an inward or outward thing? If we all look and

dress exactly the same, does that mean that we

are united? Did Jesus have inward unity in mind

or outward conformity? What are the basic

beliefs that should unite us as Christians?

No More Wasted Years

—By Norma Miller

Just a simple line spoken over me,

but such grace and wonder it held.

"The things of the past, the pain,

the mistakes, are not a waste. God

will use those things in a

wonderful way."

I always knew God was able to

use everything in our lives for

good, even the bad things, but I

still had a mindset that suggested

that some seasons of my life were

simply wasted, thrown away, and

irretrievable. I found myself

unable to move forward as I

wanted to because I wanted a do-

over. God doesn't give us do-

overs, my friends. He gives us

something better! He gives us

second chances, yes, but He gives

us something much better than

that. He has the ability to make

something totally wonderful,

beautiful and new from our

mistakes and from our sin! The

only thing we need to do is to

confess it, repent, and give it to


Let's face it; we have all done

things that we are not proud of,

those devastating seasons we'd

love to forget, those lost things we

hope to regain, the deep grief of

things that happened in the past.

They happened in the past, but

somehow they just won't stay in

the past because we can't seem to

move on, and the memories keep

haunting us.

Or perhaps we can't move on from

hurts caused by others, or

offences that remain to steal our

peace. The torment of bitterness

and unforgiveness is unparalleled

and it keeps festering deeper and

deeper, causing great pain and


This is a season in which God

offers great grace for us to release

those things into His hands, so

they truly are His and no longer

ours! When we make the decision

to transfer these things from our

hands to His all-capable ones, we

give Him permission and control

to turn these ashes into something

beautiful and as a result, all those

mistakes, hurts, failures, and

disappointments are so totally

NOT WASTED! This is true

redemption , my friends! Jesus

has already paid the price, it is up

to us to receive this amazing, free


No longer do the things of the past

need to weigh us down, steal our

joy and peace, and instead, we

have the opportunity to stand in

awe and amazement at the

beautiful way He turns our

sorrows and grief into joy

unspeakable and full of glory!

There is no such thing as wasted

years when they've been placed in

His hands. It's ALL good!

Because He makes it good.

He has already accomplished all

in His suffering, death, burial, and

resurrection. He paid the full

price. It's done. All that is left is

for us to open our hearts

completely so we can receive the

fullness of His healing power in

our lives.

Let's those difficult things to Him

today, so we can release the hurt,

pain, bitterness, and sorrow of the

past, and be gloriously free to

walk into the destiny, the plans He

has for us! —Norma Miller