Page 3 - November 2011 Newsletter

SEO Version

Mission to Amish People — (419) 962-1515 Page 3
Our mentoring conference turned out to be a
huge success. Thirty six people attended the
conference, with most coming from nearby.
Our hats and bonnets are off to Calvin Brown
who did an awesome job of teaching and ex-
plaining the value of mentoring relationships.
Mentoring Conference Update
—By Joe Keim
Amish Voice Response
Audio Ministry
—by Eli Raber
Greetings from Eli and Rachel -- just
writing a few notes to give everyone an
idea what we do as a part of the MAP
ministry. If you have ever listened to a
CD or watched a DVD that came from
MAP, there is a very good chance that we
burned and printed them. Sometimes, I
even get to design the labels for them.
When I get an order from Tina, I will
make up to 600 CD/DVD’s at a time,
which takes a couple of days. That is, if
we both work on them nonstop. Most of
the time, however, that is not possible
since it usually takes a couple weeks by
the time we have an order like that ready.
We have a CD duplicator that copies up
to seven CD’s at a time. As for printing
labels, we use two Epson printers that
take three minutes to print one CD.
Rachel and I consider it a privilege to be
part of the MAP out-reach.
Mentoring former Amish is one of my
long term goals. MAP has had a very big
influence on my life and I want to be able
to help others who are in similar situa-
tions that I was in, when I left the Amish.
Thank You for your support. May God
Bless You!
Dear Joe Keim, Old Time
Friend: Greetings in the
name of our Lord. I am
sending these labels back.
We don’t read your litera-
ture—we throw them in
stove. I guess you know
that you don’t live like
your parents taught you
and what you promised on
your bended knees. How
can a blind man help oth-
ers. —D Schrock
My favorite verse by verse Bible com-
mentary set of all time is the
Outline and Sermon Bible
, a publication of
Leadership Ministries Worldwide (LMW).
Earlier this year, I contact-
ed LMW’s office to see if
they would give us permis-
sion to use the entire
Book of Galatians com-
mentary in the Amish
Voice publication. To our
great surprise, they said
If you are one of our pre-
cious prayer warriors,
please pray that God
would use the Amish
Voice (AV) to impact the
Amish culture for His glory. A lot of peo-
ple put a tremendous amount of effort
and prayer into this ministry.
Most of the ones who write for the AV
are from Amish backgrounds and under-
stand the legalistic mindsets that so many
The AV has fast become a love/hate
publication. Many of the Bishops have
banned the publication;
articles have been written
in various papers, warn-
ing church members to
trash the AV as soon as
it arrives in the mailbox.
Having said that, it is not
our desire to use the
Amish Voice as a means
of leading Amish away
from the church, nor has
it ever been our intention
to belittle the church and it’s teach-
ings. It is our goal to teach the undiluted
gospel message and let the Holy Spirit of
God take it from there.
In the midst of all the banning and nega-
tive responses, there are people who call
or write, asking to be added to the active
mailing list. Others are placing the publi-
cation in public areas for people to pick
up and read.
In the past month, we have, through a
series of phone calls, been able to con-
nect several Amish couples and one sin-
gle lady with one of John Regier’s coun-
seling ministries. In one case, a man had
already committed suicide, and in anoth-
er, the wife called, franticly seeking help
before her husband committed suicide.
In each case, the people were from con-
servative groups and afraid of getting in
trouble with the church if it leaked out
they were seeking outside counseling—
worse yet, is the fact they were going
through MAP for help.
This helps us see why the AV is a much
needed resource.
Mark 2:17, Jesus said:
They that are whole
have no need of the physician, but they that are
sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners
to repentance.
The Amish Voice
—By Joe Keim