Page 4 - November 2011 Newsletter

SEO Version

PO Box 128
575 St. Rt. 250 N
Savannah, Ohio 44874
In the summer of 2005, I had a lot of
questions concerning what does it take to
have salvation; why do Amish do what
they do? I started to see their rules creat-
ed a lot of self-righteousness in
and among themselves. I
didn’t know much of
the scriptures, but
God showed me
that He wasn’t
interested in those
man-made rules.
I asked, “why wasn’t
the Bible enough on
its own?” Obviously
that’s what God intended it
to be—all man would need for guidance.
On September 1, 2005 God sent some-
one to our place to share the Gospel. The
person shared what it takes to have salva-
tion. Little by little I learned the Bible as I
studied it. Shortly after I was witnessed
to, we left the Amish culture.
I got saved in February 2006 and my wife
Ella thought she was saved later in 2006.
But God became more real to her, and
she realized that she wasn’t saved. In Oc-
tober 2010, Ella was saved and had a big
change in her life. She has the assurance
of salvation. In the early part of 2011 our
two oldest daughters, Fannie and Martha,
got saved as well.
We had gone to a few different churches
in the area. It just seemed it was hard to
find a good one in the area. This summer
we were led to Calvary Baptist Church. In
August of this summer my wife,
I, Fannie, and Martha
were baptized after
attending Calvary
We are excited for
the future to see
what God will do
as we take one day
at a time. God has for
quite some time been
giving me a burden to some-
how reach the Amish with the Gospel.
He has shown me to just stay in our area
and be available to reach the
Amish in the area.
“Say not ye, there are yet four
months, and then cometh
harvest, Behold I say unto
you lift up your eyes and
look on the fields for they are
white already to har-
(John 4:35). This is
my prayer, “Lord here am
I, send me.
Note from Joe: If you do not have a copy
of Melvin’s testimony, and would like to
h a v e o n e , p l e a s e g o t o :
and download it. You
can also order a CD of the Schrock’s tes-
timony, by contacting our office. A dollar
or two will help with expenses.
Lord willing, I will be traveling to Wis-
consin in February of 2012 to meet with
the Schrock’s and their pastor. Our pri-
mary goal is to organize a ministry that
reaches out to Amish communities in the
mid-west. This is not a fly-by-night deci-
sion, but rather, it is something we have
prayed and talked about for two years.
We would be overjoyed to know you
added this to your list when praying for
MAP and the Amish people.
The Schrocks are one of several
families and singles who are
either considering or are
already working their way
into full time ministry to
In April of 2012, about
eight couples are meet-
ing for a weekend retreat
in Indiana. Our sole pur-
pose for meeting is to
pray, organize and strategize
ways we can better reach out to the
ones who are leaving the Amish and need
Our Testimony and Willingness to Serve
—by Melvin Schrock and Joe Keim
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