The Amish Voice 13
women want—no—NEED to feel cared
for and protected. I am a very strong-
natured gal. I know who I am and am not
afraid to say what I think. I don't want to
be suppressed or controlled, but because I
am strong-natured, I need a very strong
man with me to lead and protect me. This
is not a weakness. It is a strength to
understand that our men have something
we need. They have something that
complements us, something that fits us just
right. I NEED to hit a brick wall
sometimes. I NEED my husband to protect
me and lead me. I need to know he is
stronger than I am. All it takes to make me
feel insecure is to know that I have a ton of
control in our home, or that I am on my
own in raising and leading the kids, or that
I am not protected. I am not of any less
value than my husband. I am just as
important. I am just as intelligent (well, I
will admit he has it on me in math); but I
know that he finishes me; he completes
me. He offers what I lack, and I have much
to offer him.
This piece was
not written to tear
men down, but
apologize, for I
we as
aided the enemy
in his attack against you and who you have
been created to be: a wild, dangerously-
strong creature, made in the image of God,
called to lead and protect, to subdue the
earth, and to bring the kingdom of Heaven
I hope you read this with grace, because I
know I don't have the whole picture yet. I
am very passionate about this because of
the havoc the enemy wreaked in my very
own home, preventing my husband and me
from being who we were created to be, and
using us to fight each other and steal from
each other.
A word to the ladies now: please, if you
want your husband to love you, protect
you, respect you, and
empower you, then you
must respect him and
allow him to be a man.
Allow him to make
mistakes. He has strength
you need. Don't cut him
down; don't criticize him.
Instead, let's encourage
our husbands and build them up. Let us be
that one amazing woman in his life who is
his greatest support and who has what it
takes to complement him. As husband and
wife we can be that model of balance in a
team that God created.
Please don't think I am the perfect wife and
have it all put together! My husband would
laugh hard at that thought! I am just
learning some things, and I want to share
them as they are fresh on my heart,
reminding myself that there is SO MUCH
room for me to grow in this area.
Family Leadership, cont.
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The End
By Lydia