The Amish Voice 6
Heavy Heart – Lost at Sea
My sins were a constant burden and
reminder that, indeed, there was a God
who had created within me a conscience.
I knew, beyond any doubt, that when life
here ended, there was a real Heaven to
gain and a literal burning Hell to be
avoided at any cost; but I tried to tell
myself that I was already a Christian. I
had no peace about it, and I tried to do
everything not to think about it.
Those dark days of storms, hurricanes,
waves crashing over the entire ship, and
nights with the wind tugging at the
anchor caused me to think of eternity. I
was truly “Lost at Sea.”
Not Going Home – Going Home
After miraculously arriving safely back
in Miami that November, the Lord,
through various circumstances, changed
my mind about not going home. I had
been determined to continue my quest for
peace, in spite of all God had shown me
and through which He had allowed me to
survive. Up until then, I had my heart set
on another adventure to California via
motorcycle, but God had other plans. I
walked down the jet way in Detroit on a
cold November morning, wondering if I
was in my right mind to return home.
I let my family know that I was not
returning home as the prodigal son, but
that I had my own plans, which did not
include them. Well, after being in the
biggest cities in the U.S. and then coming
home to a small town, it was more of a
letdown than ever. The emptiness,
depression, and memories of that
whirlwind summer and the adventures
from which God had allowed me to
return home made me more miserable
than ever.
Boredom Leads Me to Church
After being home for two weeks and
being bored out of my mind, I decided to
go to church to see some of my old
friends. The church was having some
special services conducted by two
visiting evangelists. I had no intention of
listening. After all, I had heard it a
thousand times before.
The preacher was speaking forcefully
and loudly about one of the last things
Jesus said while on the cross. It was the
phrase, “It is finished,” that caught my
attention. He kept repeating it and
explaining what it meant. He said that it
meant there was nothing we could do to
save ourselves, that the work was already
done, and that all of our sins were
completely paid for. He said that all we
could do was to rest in it.
In a moment of time, it flooded over me.
It was something I had heard many
times, but never realized until then—that
Jesus, having no sins of His own, took
my place and paid the price to satisfy the
justice of a Holy God. Furthermore, God
was so pleased with the finished work
that He raised Him from the dead with
His mighty power.
Peace Comes in Like a Flood
The wonder of it all! Then the thought
crossed my mind. Could it be so simple?
The peace that flooded through me that
night and in the days ahead was the
answer to that. What could be better in
this world, than to know your sins are
forgiven and to be assured of a home in
Heaven! It does not matter whether they
are large or small sins. We all have them
and the Bible says in the book of
Hebrews, “Without faith it is impossible
to please God.” That night, at the end of
myself, God gave me faith to trust and
rest in the finished work of redemption,
receiving it as my very own.
So my dear friend, I beg you to consider
these matters carefully. Read God’s
Word, the Bible. Read John, chapters 1-
4, and the book of Romans. Ask God to
show you your need of His great gift. My
earthly father always told me that God
only does business with honest hearts.
Remember, there is nothing you can do
to be saved. He did it all. “It is finished.”
“Paid in Full!” Rest in Him, as I did all
those years ago.
The real adventure began on that
wonderful night, now so long ago, and
furthermore, it will never have an end, as
the Bible reveals—continuing throughout
the endless ages of God’s Eternal Day.
Some verses from the Bible for you
to carefully consider:
For all have sinned, and come short of
the glory of God (Romans 3:23).
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift
of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ
our Lord (Romans 6:23).
For God so loved the world, that he gave
his only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but
have everlasting life (John 3:16).
For by grace are ye saved through faith;
and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of
God: not of works, lest any man should
boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).
For Christ also hath once suffered for
sins, the just for the unjust, that He might
bring us to God (1 Peter 3:18).
These things have I written unto you that
believe on the name of the Son of God;
that ye may know that ye have eternal
Lost at Sea!
Cont. from back cover
It is finished!
Continued on next page