The Amish Voice 12
Introduction to Prophecy
Most people are very interested in the
future. What is going to happen in the
days and years ahead? Will things get
better or will things get worse? Will there
be peace on earth or will there be war?
What will happen to planet earth? What
will the world be like a hundred years
from now? A thousand years from now?
Is the world going to come to an end?
What happens to people after they die?
What lies beyond the grave? These are
interesting and very important questions.
Can you think of other questions that
people might ask about the future? Are
YOU interested in what is going to
happen in the future?
How can a person learn about the
future? How can a person know what
the future will bring? Does man really
know what will happen in the future
(Proverbs 27:1; James 4:14)? ________
Why not? _________________________
When it comes to knowing what will
happen in the future, man does not have
the answers! Man does not even know
what will happen in the next 24 hours!
Who does have the answers? Who does
know what will happen in the days and
years ahead? According to Isaiah 46:9-
10, who is the only one who knows all
about the future? ___________________
God knows the future and He is able to
declare the end from the beginning.
Suppose the Yankees were ahead of the
Red Sox by a score of 9 to 3 with only
one inning to go. Suppose you were at
the ball park watching this game. You
would probably think that the Yankees
would win, but would you know this for
sure? It is possible that the Red Sox
could win the game by a score of 11 to
10 (or by some other score). We do not
know the final score of a baseball game
until the game is over. But God knows
all about that baseball game before it
even starts. Even before the first pitch
is thrown, God knows exactly who will
win and what the final score will be. God
knows all future events that will ever
take place.
God's Predictions Always
Come True
Here are just a few examples of God's
predictions and their precise fulfillment:
1) God predicted that the temple in
Jerusalem would be totally
destroyed (Matthew 24:2). About
40 years later this was literally
fulfilled as the Romans destroyed the
temple under Titus.
2) God predicted to Abraham that his
descendants would be slaves in a
foreign land for 400 years (Genesis
15:13). Several generations later,
following the death of Joseph, this
was literally fulfilled (Exodus 1).
3) God through Daniel predicted the
coming world empires of Persia,
Greece, and Rome (Daniel 2,
Daniel 7, etc.) with such accuracy
that unbelieving scholars have
insisted that the book of Daniel
must have been written at a much
later time because no one living in
Daniel's day could have known
about these future kingdoms!
4) In 1 Kings 13:2, God predicted that
a man would be born in the line of
David by the name of Josiah. The
book of 1 Kings was written three
centuries before Josiah's birth!
5) In Isaiah 44:28 and 45:1, God
predicted that a future Persian king
would come on the scene by the
name of Cyrus. Yet Isaiah wrote
this more than 100 years before
Cyrus was even born! This is one
reason why unbelieving Bible
scholars insist that Isaiah could not
have written these chapters, because
no one in Isaiah's day could have
Continued on next page >
As the world continues to turn its back on God, we want to
take a look at what the future holds according to the One
who is the Beginning and the End—God! We hope you
enjoy and benefit from this series, courtesy of Middletown
Bible Church. Follow along, fill in the blanks, and look up!
May we all be ready for the return of Jesus Christ!