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The Amish Voice 15

it extends to your family, your church

body, and everyone else involved in your


Getting rid of bitterness

You may feel like there is little hope left

for your marriage relationship. You may

be so full of bitterness that you've

convinced yourself that your marriage

could never be healed, but let me assure

you that the healing begins with yourself.

With God, all things are possible

(Matthew 19:26).

Here are four steps to take to begin

healing from bitterness:

1.Confess your bitterness as a sin.


so easy to justify our attitude when we've

been hurt, but the Bible teaches that

bitterness is a sin. Hebrews 12:14-15

says, "

Follow peace with all men, and

holiness, without which no man shall see

the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man

fail of the grace of God; lest any root of

bitterness springing up trouble you, and

thereby many be defiled…”

You must

seek peace with your spouse and the

grace to forgive.

2. Ask for God's strength to forgive

your spouse and diligently seek that


In Ephesians 4:31-32, Paul

exhorts us to "

Let all bitterness, and

wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil

speaking, be put away from you, with all

malice: And be ye kind one to another,

tenderhearted, forgiving one another,

even as God for Christ's sake hath

forgiven you."

It's hard to be tender-hearted to a spouse

who has hurt you, but it is possible. We

have the power to forgive because Christ

forgave us, and He gives us strength

through the Holy Spirit.

3. Make a list of your hurts and find a

time to talk to your spouse about it.

After you've made your list, pray about

which things you can let go and which

need to be resolved. If you can let them

go, then do so. You may want to

physically scratch off each one that you

can forgive as an act of faith. Then for

those transgressions that are left, ask God

to give you the strength to talk to your

spouse about them.

Before talking to your spouse, let him or

her know that you plan to set aside some

undistracted time for you to talk about

some issues. As you talk, keep the





confessing your own sins to your spouse.

Then talk about your hurts. Don't just

dump all your irritations and criticisms

on your spouse, but speak in love,

rationally and gently.

If you feel like you can't talk to your

spouse alone, then ask a pastor or mentor

couple to join you in the discussion.

Make sure your spouse knows that

someone else will be there. Once you

begin, your spouse may deny the

behavior or even become irritated, but

the object of the discussion is to expose

the wounds, not to accuse. Keep love the

main motivator of your communication.

4. Worry about changing yourself, not

your spouse.

You cannot change your

spouse—only God can. But what you can

do is allow God to change your heart. If

you have a log of bitterness in your own

eye, how can you take the speck out of

your spouse's eye? (Matthew 7:3). You,

too, have made choices in this

relationship that have hurt your spouse

and need to be mended. Even though

your spouse's sin goes unresolved for

now, he or she will answer for it one day

before God (Matthew 10:26). In the same

way, God will hold you responsible for

the bitterness in your heart.

Copyright © 2007 by FamilyLife. All rights


FamilyLife is a donor-supported ministry

offering practical and biblical resources and

events to help you build a godly marriage and



1. "Beethoven Was Poisoned", Thursday, 19

October 2000, News in Science.

Next Step

Attend a Weekend to Remember®. For

more details on a Weekend to Remember

near you, call: (800) 358-6329. Learn

how to build intimacy, improve

communication, and take your marriage

to the next level!

Bitterness, Continued


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UPCOMING Conference Calls:

May 01:

Should we take the gospel to other s?

June 05:

When will J esus Chr ist r etur n?

July 03:

What is biblical separ ation?



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PAST Conference Calls:



1. Lord’s Supper

2. Missions

3. The New Birth

4. Obedience

5. Prayer

6. Jesus Christ

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