The Amish Voice 7
This week I conversed with a minister
who was simply overwhelmed. My trying
to help him proved futile because he would
not allow himself to see beyond his as-
sumed responsibilities and financial woes.
Sadly, this man is metaphoric of the many
leaders who assume many responsibilities
they should not assume. Many potential
problems arise whenever someone reaches
a saturation point, but refuses assistance
and is unwilling to change habits.
I want to highlight five of the potential
problems and emphasize a few solutions
for each.
potential problem is the addic-
tion to adrenaline.
Workaholics get used to
the adrenaline they feel when meeting cer-
tain goals or deadlines. Sadly, many lead-
ers develop a sense of pride at being busy,
often boasting whenever their schedule hits
overload because it feeds their false ego of
self-importance, and for this reason, they
have a hard time saying no to new respon-
The intensity one feels when over-
whelmed develops stress. This affects the
quality of their relationships. They can
become very controlling, territorial, and
sharp with their reactions to others. Stress
also affects their health in the long term.
Time with God, loved ones, and for
personal development tends to be neglected
or placed on the back burner. Depression
often sets in when someone who is addict-
ed to adrenaline attempts to slow down or
Suggested solutions include:
Establish a maximum number of
hours to focus on work each day.
Refuse to take work home with you.
Say no to an extra request to do
something if it means you cannot
accomplish it without adding to your
maximum allotted work day hours.
Schedule time off on a regular basis.
potential problem is burn-
The body, mind and emotions are de-
signed for a balance of work and rest. Time
must be made for both. Burnout sneaks up
on you, and when it comes, it can be very
difficult to recover.
Burnout produces a cacophony of emo-
tions. One might develop a sense of guilt,
anger or regret. These are hard to overcome
when one is in a state of burnout.
Suggested solutions include:
Recognize and admit that burnout is
real, and it needs to be eliminated.
Develop an exercise plan in combi-
nation with proper diet and rest.
Plan occasional getaways with those
you love. These do not have to be
expensive but they should be mean-
Learn to back away from the work-
load. It will be there when you re-
potential problem is the dam-
age you do to yourself and those who love
It has been said that when people ap-
proach the end of their lives, they never
say, "I wish I had spent more time at
work." Unfortunately, when you refuse to
be sensible and balanced about work, the
collateral damage to your family and close
relations can be devastating.
Spouses and children are often hurt and
damaged because they believe you love
your work or your church family more than
you love them. Many of the dysfunctions in
a leader's home arise because the leader has
neglected those at home. All too often a
leader's spouse or children develop resent-
ment or bitterness brought forth by a sense
of abandonment.
Suggested solutions include:
Make time for meaningful conversa-
tions on a frequent and regular basis.
Be involved in the outside activities
of those you love.
Learn to say yes to your family and
no to others.
Do not cancel promised plans with
your family when others call and ask
for your time.
Celebrate accomplishments with
those you love.
Help each other establish goals and
encourage each to attain them.
Hold regular and consistent family
potential problem is that by
doing everything yourself, you prevent God
from manifesting His capability to provide.
Who needs God when you can do every-
thing for yourself? Why would God have
to provide assistance when you won't let
Him? When God sends others to help you,
why do you continue to insist on doing
everything yourself?
Learn the arts of delegation and fa-
Study teamwork and become a team
Progress in leadership styles as God
adds people around you.
Learn to wait on God's timing and
Quit trying to play God and spend
more time seeking after God.
potential problem is the ne-
glect of personal care and leadership de-
Many of the problems a leader
faces today cannot be overcome unless new
skills are acquired. Leaders who are too
busy to take time for professional develop-
ment should not remain in a leadership
Always be involved in some form of
focused study and development.
Connect to a mentor with the experi-
ence and skill sets to help steer you
in the right directions.
Schedule a portion of your work-
week for professional development
and stick to it religiously.
Commit time and resources to per-
sonal and professional advancement.
– Dr. Fred Childs
Childs Ministry Group
Reprinted with Permission
—Dr. Fred Childs