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Marriage is a beautiful thing. God saw that
it wasn’t good for man to be alone and so he
created him a helpmeet. Throughout
scripture, marriage is shown as a parallel to
unconditional love that Christ
has for his church.
But what about the times when
marriage doesn’t feel so
beautiful? What if it gets lost
in the shuffle of life, jobs, kids,
and bills …and sometimes it
just doesn’t seem worth the
Then it’s time to get
What does an intentional marriage look
Love is an action more than a feeling.
intentional marriage is based on the
decision to love your husband, regardless
of how you might feel.
An intentional marriage means that you are
making a choice every day to put him first,
and to demonstrate your love.
Enjoy a sample from the introduction of the
My little children, let us not love in
word...but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:18
The biggest threat to marriages in our
modern world is daily neglect. When we
stop trying, we start drifting apart.
We get caught up in the busyness of life.
We get selfish. We get thoughtless.
We get prideful and entitled and
start to focus on the ways our
husband isn’t doing this or that…or
maybe he is doing this or that
annoying thing.
Slowly, one day at a time, we can
reach a crisis point in our marriage,
just by {not} doing the small
If you are at that crisis point of
your marriage, take heart. With God’s help,
nothing is hopeless. And you can improve
yourself and improve your marriage.
This book is based on a simple concept.
There is a saying attributed to Gandhi, “You
must be the change you want to see in the
The words are true, and I believe they apply
to marriage as well. This book is written for
wives. Not because I believe that all of the
problems in your marriage are your fault.
But the fact of the matter is that focusing on
discontentment, and it isn’t productive. You
cannot nag, pout, argue, or complain
enough to change your husband. What you
can do, though, is change yourself.
Not so long ago, I found myself in one of
those bad places. I was focusing on my
husband’s faults and my needs, when it
should have been the opposite. Through
this challenge, an amazing thing happened.
I started waking up asking myself,
“What can I do to bless my husband
It’s a painfully simple concept but one that
radically changed my life and marriage.
Notice I said it radically changed my life.
Even though this was a marriage challenge,
the change went beyond my marriage. My
walk with God was strengthened as I sought
to honor Him through my marriage and my
actions toward my husband. The even more
amazing thing is that the change that took
place in me changed my husband. When I
started submitting to him, serving him, and
intentionally loving him, he responded to
me in completely different ways. . . .
To order the book, send $11.00 to:
Amish Voice
Intentional Marriage Book
P.O. Box 128, Savannah, OH 44805
Or Call (419) 962-1515
Intentional Marriage