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The Amish Voice 15

Please send me a free Plowman’s Academy Bible Correspondence Lesson!

The name of the course I would like i

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My age:______________

My Name: _________________________________________________________________________________

Street Address:______________________________________________________________________________

City: _________________________________ State: _________________ Zip Code: _____________________

If you have family and friends who would like to enroll, please send their names,

addresses, and ages to us and we will mail them a free Bible lesson, too.

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Sign up for one of our FREE correspondence courses from our PLOWMAN’S ACADEMY!

Simply write to us and request one of our courses. We will send you the first lesson and a review booklet. Keep the

lesson and send us back the review booklet. When you complete all of the lessons in the course, we will send you a

certificate of completion!

The current courses available are:


The ABC’s of Christian Growth

: Assurance, Bible, Church, Daily Walk, Enemy, Family,

God, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Missions, New Birth, Prayer, and more!

2. Foundational Study:

Anger, Doubt, Everlasting Life, Separation, Salvation, God,

Brokenness, The Christian Home, Temptation, Spouse, Spiritual War, and more!

3. Topical Study:

The Bible is the Word of God, How to Pray, Faith, Hatred, Doubt,

Discouragement, Loneliness, Temptation, Controlling the Mind, Adversity, and more!

4. Verse-by-Verse:

John, I John, Ephesians, Colossians, Titus, and more!

Fill out the form on this page and mail it to us at:

Plowman’s Academy, P.O. Box 128, Savannah, OH 44874


Bible Correspondence Courses!

“Search the Scriptures”

“Study to show thyself approved unto God”

“Seek ye out the book of the LORD, and read”

Designed for older

teens and adults!

Do you know what God’s word says?

Plowman’s Academy, P.O. Box 128, Savannah, OH 44874