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The Amish Voice 10

When will the rapture take place? We do not know. It is

possible that there is only one more person that needs to be

saved before the Church is complete. Maybe there are 10

more people or 100 people or 1,000 people that need to be

saved before the Church is complete. For

about 2,000 years, God has been saving

people and making them members of His

Church. But we do not know when He

will finish building His church.

The Lord Jesus could come at any time.

We know He will come (John 14:3) but we

do not know exactly when. Even Paul

thought that he might be alive to

experience the rapture (see 1 Thess. 14:17

and notice the word "WE"). Today we can

pray the same prayer that John once

prayed: "Even so, _______________ Lord

Jesus” (Rev. 22:20). The rapture could

happen at any time and we need to be


Are You Ready To Be Caught Up?

The first thing that you should do to be

ready for the rapture is to make sure you

are saved. If you are not sure that you are

saved, be sure to talk to someone so that

they can help you understand how to be


If we are saved, we need to be ready for

the Lord's coming also. The story is told

about a certain man who visited a small

one-room country school. He made the

promise that he would give a prize to the

student whose desk was found in the very

best order when he came back. He gave no

indication, not even a hint, when he would

return. He had no more than left the room

when one of the students announced that

she meant to win the prize. She was a girl

whose desk was usually a mess. Her

schoolmates laughed at her saying, "Why

Mary, your desk is always out of order. It's

never clean." "But, starting right now,"

Mary responded, "I'm going to clean it

every Monday morning." "But, supposing our visitor comes at

the end of the week?" someone asked. "Well then," Mary said,

"I'll clean it up every morning." "But, what if he comes at the

end of the day?" another questioned. At that thought, Mary was

silent for a moment. Then her face lit up and she said, "I know

what I'll do. I'll just keep it clean all the


Christ may come at any time. Therefore

we must keep our lives clean ALL THE


The Apostle John wrote these words:

"And now little children, _____________

in Him (stay in a right relationship with

the Lord and keep your life clean ALL

THE TIME and use 1 John 1:9 whenever

you need to); that, when He shall appear,

we may have confidence, and not be

______________ before Him at His

coming (at the RAPTURE)."-- SEE 1

JOHN 2:28.

When you have guests about to come over

to your home, your family makes sure that

everything is ready. The house is

prepared for their coming. The rooms are

cleaned up. Everything is put in its place.

Everything is neat and tidy. Food items

have been purchased and prepared.

Everything is ready for your guests.

Our heavenly Guest is coming, but we do

not know when. It could be soon. We

need to be ready always. He is not

coming to stay in our home. He is coming

to take us to His home. We need to be

ready and prepared for His coming. When

He comes we do not want to be found in

the wrong place, doing wrong things,

saying wrong things. Wouldn't you want

Him to find you serving Him, pleasing

Him, thanking Him and obeying Him?



These Bible studies are published by the


Prophecy, cont. from previous page


As taught by



John 14:1-3


As taught by Paul


1 Thess. 4:13-18


Comforting Words

"Let not your

heart be


"Comfort one

another with

these words."

The Necessity of Personal Faith

"Ye believe in

God, believe also

in Me."

"If we believe that

Jesus died and

rose again, even

them also which

sleep in Jesus will

God bring with


We Can Take Christ at His Word

"If it were not so,

I would have told


"This we say unto

you by the Word

of the Lord."

The Promise of His Coming

"I will come


"The Lord Himself

shall descend from


The Removal from Earth

"and receive you

unto Myself."

"We...shall be

caught up... to

meet the Lord in

the air."

Forever Present with the Lord

"That where I am,

there ye may be


"and so shall we

ever be with the
