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The Amish Voice 8

will be a whole group of people who will

suddenly be removed from the earth and

they will not be found by those who

remain on the earth. This unusual future

event is called THE RAPTURE.

What does the word RAPTURE

really mean?

Christians often talk about the

RAPTURE and we need to understand

what this word means. The word


UP, to be snatched up, to be taken or

carried away suddenly, to be taken away

quickly by force." The word is found in

1 Thessalonians 4:17:

"Then we which

are alive and remain shall be -- together

with them in the clouds to meet Lord in

the air.”

This same Greek word [harpatzo] is used

elsewhere in the New Testament:

1) In Acts 8:39 this word is used. We






a______________ Philip, that the

eunuch saw him no more." Philip

baptized the Ethiopian eunuch, and

when they came out of the water,

suddenly Philip was gone! God had

moved him from one place to another


2) In 2 Corinthians 12:2 this word is used

of Paul who was caught to the third

heaven" (see also verse 4).

3) This word is used of the Lord Jesus

(the "MAN CHILD") who was



unto God when He ascended back to

heaven (Revelation 12:5). We also

read about the day when Christ was

taken up into heaven in Acts 1:2, 9.

Enoch was removed from earth and taken

to heaven. Someday Christ will come

and remove a whole group of people

from the earth and take them to heaven.

Christ will also raise up the bodies of

those Christians who have already died

(such as Peter, Paul, John, George

Whitefield, George Mueller, and a great

host of others). The most important

passage in the Bible that tells us about

this is found in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

Read these verses and consider the

following diagram:

THEY (the believers coming down with

the Lord) and WE (the believers walking

with the Lord on earth) will


together in the air

to be with the Lord

FOREVER in new bodies that will last

forever! See 1 Thessalonians 4:17.

When Christ comes down from heaven

(see 1 Thessalonians 4:16) there are two

things that will happen.

1) What is the first thing that will

happen (see 1 Thess. 4:16)? THE


R___________________ (God will

raise up their bodies).

2) What is the next thing that will

happen (see 1 Thess. 4:17)? Those

who are living when Christ returns

will be C____________ u___

(raptured) with them in the clouds,

to meet the Lord in the air.

Yes, the Bible teaches that there will be

a group of people living on the earth who

will never SLEEP (see 1 Corinthians

15:51). This means that they will never

DIE, just like Enoch did not die. The

reason they will never die is because

they will be CAUGHT UP to heaven just

like Enoch was. If Christ were to come

down from heaven today, would you be


Who Will Be Caught Up?

There is only one kind of person who

will be "caught up" (1 Thess. 4:17). This

person must "B________________ that

Jesus Christ died and rose again" (1

Thess. 4:14). The Lord Jesus spoke of

the rapture in John 14:3. If a person

wants to take part in this great event,

what must he do (John 14:1)? _________


In other words, the rapture is FOR

BELIEVERS ONLY! ! If a person wants

to be CAUGHT UP in the air to be with

Christ (John 14:3; 1 Thess. 4:17), he

must first COME TO CHRIST for

salvation (John 6:35, 37)!

Have you received Jesus Christ as your

personal Savior (John 1:12)?

Have you honestly and from your heart

said to God that you are a sinner and that

you need a Savior?

Have you confessed that the Lord Jesus

Christ died, was buried and was raised

up from the dead because of your sin and