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The Amish Voice 9

that He took your place and received

God's judgment of sin for you?

Have you put all of your trust in the Lord

and in Him alone?

Are you trusting Him to be saving you

from sin and from sin's penalty and


Do you know that He forgave all your


If you have done this, then the rapture is

for you! When Christ comes He will

take all of the saved people. Those who

are not saved will not be taken. They

will remain on the earth. Every believer

should be able to say this: "I know that

Christ died for me and that He rose again

for me and that He is coming back for

me someday!"

Where Will The Caught Up

People End Up?

Where is Christ today? Is He in heaven

or on the earth (John 14:2)? __________

He is preparing a wonderful place for His

believers (John 14:2). When Christ

comes again, where will He take us to be

(John 14:3)? Will He take us to heaven?

If we are saved, heaven is our true

home. Someday Christ is going to come

to take us home (Philippians 3:20-21).

Usually we think that a person must die

to go to heaven. But when Christ comes

He will take all living believers straight

to heaven. He will do for us just what He

did for Enoch!

How Quickly Will They Be

Caught Up?

That which happened to Enoch happened

quite suddenly. One moment he was

there and the next moment he was not.

The rapture will also be a very sudden

event. The Bible tells us that the rapture

will take place "in a _______________,

in the ___________________of an ____

________" (1 Corinthians 15:52).

The word "MOMENT" means "SPLIT-

SECOND" (faster than you can snap your

fingers). [Note: It is the Greek word

"atom" which literally means "uncut."

For example, an hour can be cut into 60

minutes and one minute can be cut into

60 seconds. An "atom" is a unit of time

that can't be cut anymore because it is

such a small unit. Thus "split-second"

would be a good translation]. It shall also

be "in the twinkling of an eye" (faster

than you can blink). This event will take

place very rapidly.

Suppose an unsaved young person said

something like this: "There is no need to

be saved now. I'll wait until the last

minute. When I think Christ is coming ,

then I'll believe in Him and He will take

me to heaven." Do you think this

person's plan will really work? Why not?

Why Will They Be Caught Up'?

In John 14:3 Jesus said, "I will come

again." According to this verse, why

will He come again (circle the correct


a. To set up His kingdom on the earth

b. To judge the wicked and send them

to hell

c. To remove Satan from the earth

d. To receive believers unto Himself to

take them to heaven

Today, we are ABSENT FROM THE

LORD. The Lord Jesus Christ is in His

resurrected and glorified body in heaven

at the right hand of God. He is in heaven

and we are on the earth (even though as

God He has promised to be with us at all

times — Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5).

When Jesus comes for us, then we will be


an even more wonderful relationship with

Him (see 1 Thessalonians 4:17--"then

shall we ever be ___________________

the Lord"; see also 2 Corinthians 5:8). Is

there a difference between talking to

your grandmother on the phone when she

is miles away and actually being with

her? Christ is coming so that we can be

with Him!

When Will They Be Caught Up?

When will the rapture take place? Today?

Tomorrow? Next month? Next year?

First we need to understand what God is

doing in the world today. Christ is

building His church (Matthew 16:18).

This means that every person who is

saved becomes a member of Christ's

church (see Acts 2:47; 1 Cor. 12:13).

Think of a motel. If the sign on the motel

says VACANCY, this means that there is

still room for people. The motel is saying

this: "Please come and spend the night

with us. We have room for you." If the

sign said, "NO VACANCY," this would

mean that the motel is all filled up and

there is no more room. The motel is

saying this: "Sorry, you are too late.

There is no more room! "

Today, God has a sign that says

VACANCY. God is saying this: "You

are invited to be saved and to become a

member of the church. There is room at

the cross for you. If you believe on

Christ, you can be a member of the

church." There is coming a day, however,

when God's church will be filled up and

there will be no more room for any other

members. There will be a NO

VACANCY sign then: "Sorry, you are

too late. You cannot be a member of the

church. There is no more room for you! "

When the church is all filled up, Christ

will come and take the church (believers)

to heaven.

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