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The Amish Voice 4

sins are then blotted out. There is no need

to wait for a supposed investigative


And you, being dead in your

sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh,

hath he quickened together with him,

having forgiven you all trespasses;

Blotting out the handwriting of

ordinances that was against us, which

was contrary to us, and took it out of the

way, nailing it to his cross



Don’t be concerned if you do not fully

understand this SDA teaching on the

investigative judgment. It seems that not

many do. It is enough to know that this

teaching, one of the Seventh-Day

Adventist’s most important, is found

nowhere in the Bible and is in fact

contrary to the Bible. While the SDA

church claims that on October 22, 1844,

Jesus entered “within the veil” to the

Most Holy Place to begin the second

phase of His atoning

work, Hebrews 6:19-20

tells us that Jesus already

entered “within the veil”

at His ascension. While

the SDA investigative

judgment teaching says

that on October 22, 1844,

Jesus began the second

phase of His atoning

ministry, the Bible says

that the atoning work of Jesus is finished,

that those who put their faith in Jesus

have their sins forgiven (Colossians 2:13-

14). Jesus paid it all by His death on the

cross; there is not a part one and a part

two of the atonement. The apostle Paul


we also joy in God through our

Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now

received the atonement

(Romans 5:11).

There are many problems with this

investigative judgment teaching. The

SDA church teaches that Satan is the

scapegoat who is punished for our sins.

The Bible says that Jesus is our scapegoat

who was punished for our sins:

For the

bodies of those beasts, whose blood is

brought into the sanctuary by the high

priest for sin, are burned without the

camp. Wherefore Jesus also, that he

might sanctify the people with his own

blood, suffered without the gate. Let us

go forth therefore unto him without the

camp, bearing his reproach




There are additional historical and

Biblical problems with the investigative

judgment teaching, but let us move on

and look at a few more problems with the

teachings of the Seventh-Day Adventist

church. The SDA church teaches that

while the redeemed will have eternal life,

those who are not redeemed will be

temporarily punished and then simply

exist no more—that there is no eternal

suffering or eternal lake of fire. In fact,

the SDA church teaches that those who

die simply remain in an unconscious state

until the judgment. They teach that our

deceased loved ones “are not burning in

hell—or enjoying the bliss of heaven

while watching us continue to suffer

through life on earth without them. They

are simply resting until God gives them

His final call ” (




The redeemed will be resurrected and

will be given eternal life, while the

wicked will be resurrected and will be

judged and condemned to the second

death. However, the SDA church teaches

that “the second death refers to

annihilation (or extinction) of the

unrepentant, rather than a continual and

eternal conscious torment ” (http://



That is, the Seventh-Day Adventist

church teaches that there is no eternal

lake of fire; the wicked are simply burned

up and cease to exist. Let us hear God’s

Word speak on this matter. Daniel writes

that the dead will indeed be resurrected:

some to everlasting life,

and some to shame and






Himself warned us:

it is

better for thee to enter

into life halt or maimed,

rather than having two

hands or two feet to be

cast into everlasting fire

(Matthew 18:8). Again

Jesus tells us of everlasting fire, and that

these shall go away into everlasting

punishment: but the righteous into life


(Matthew 25:41, 46). We read in

Revelation 14:10-11 that the wicked


be tormented with fire and brimstone in

the presence of the holy angels, and in

the presence of the Lamb: and the smoke

of their torment ascendeth up for ever

and ever.

Continued next page