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The Amish Voice 5

Revelation 20 explains what will happen:

death and hell were cast into the lake of

fire. This is the second death. And

whosoever was not found written in the

book of life was cast into the lake of fire

(Revelation 20:14-15). Although the

SDA church teaches that this second

death is short and temporary, it would be

far better to hear God’s explanation of

how long the lake of fire lasts:

the devil

that deceived them

was cast into the lake

of fire and brimstone,

where the beast and

the false prophet are,




tormented day and


for ever and




These and other Bible

verses show that though it might be more

pleasant to think of the wicked suffering

a little punishment and then ceasing to

exist, God tells us that the lake of fire and

the punishment and torment of the

wicked is for ever and ever.

Which will

you believe: the SDA church or the

Word of God?

Sabbath Day

Another emphasis of the Seventh-Day

Adventist church is the belief that the

only proper day to worship God is on

Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath. In fact,

they tie this in with their emphasis on the

three angels’ messages of Revelation 14.

The message of the first angel, they

believe, is to preach the everlasting

gospel (the SDA message) to all people.

The message of the second angel is the

fall of Babylon, in part due to the

corruption of the Protestant churches

which have rejected the SDA “truth.”

The third angel’s message deals with the

mark of the beast and the observance of

the seventh-day Sabbath. The observance

of the seventh-day Sabbath, they teach, is

the seal of God identifying the true

followers of God.

We see in the Bible that the apostles met

on the first day of the week. We see

throughout church history that Christians

met on the “Lord’s Day,” or the first day

of the week. However, Jesus taught that

true worshippers shall worship the

Father in spirit and in truth: for the

Father seeketh such to worship him. God

is a Spirit: and they that worship him

must worship him in spirit and in truth

(John 4:23-24). While the great majority

of Christians since the time of the early

church worshipped and still meet

together on Sunday, whether a church

meets on Saturday or on Sunday is

neither a matter of salvation, nor a

determination of who receives the mark

of the beast. True Christians can meet on

Saturday or on Sunday (though the great

majority since the resurrection have met

on the Lord’s Day). It would be quite

wrong to declare that those who worship

God on one day rather than the other

cannot be born again.


But I fear, lest by any means, as the

serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty,

so your minds should be corrupted from

the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he

that cometh preacheth another Jesus,

whom we have not preached, or if ye

receive another spirit, which ye have not

received, or another gospel, which ye

have not accepted, ye might well bear

with him

(2 Corinthians 11:3-4).

There are many false religions in the

world. Many of these false religions are

related to Christianity.

Some of these sound very

good and are often

difficult to distinguish

from true Christianity. To

detect these counterfeit

religions, we must know

the truth. It is not enough

to be told what to believe

or even to trust that what

someone tells us is right,

even if someone seems to

use to Bible to prove one’s beliefs.







Anabaptists, Seventh-Day Adventists,

Baptists, Methodists, and others all use

the Bible and claim to have the truth;

however, not all of these groups teach

God’s truth. It is not enough to use the

Bible to teach a belief, for even Satan

does this. In the Garden of Eden, Satan

asked Eve,

Y ea, hath God said

. . . ?

Satan quoted from the Bible as he was

tempting Jesus in the wilderness. We

must be careful to examine God’s Word

and to seek God rather than simply

believe man.

Like the Berean Jews who

received the

word with all readiness of mind, and

searched the scriptures daily, whether

those things were so

(Acts 17:11),





Scriptures daily and

make sure that we are

not being deceived