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The Amish Voice 8

blindly believe everything you are

taught. Check it out for yourself

and compare it with God’s Word

to see if that is really what God


Itching Ears

Timothy was a pastor. According

to 2 Timothy 4:2, what did Paul

tell Timothy to preach? (Circle the

correct answer.)

a. His own ideas

b. Whatever he felt like


c. The Word (the Bible)

d. Whatever



wanted him to preach

e. Whatever would please the

people and make them


People need God’s Word whether

they like what it says or not!

Sinners need God’s Word just like

sick people need medicine. Some

medicine tastes good and some

medicine tastes terrible, but no

matter how it tastes, the sick

person needs to take the medicine

so that it will give your body what

it needs. God’s Word is what the

sinner needs.

In 2 Timothy 4:3, we learn that the

time will come when people will





Sinners will not want the medicine

found in God’s Word that can

make them healthy. These people

have "itching E___________" (2

Timothy 4:3).

This means that they only want to

hear nice things preached. They

only want to swallow good-tasting

medicine, even if what they really

need is the bad-tasting medicine.

They do not want teachers who

will tell them the truth. They want

teachers who will tell them what

they want to hear.

Many people today do not really

want to know what God says in

the Bible. The next time you see

people going to different churches

on Sunday, see how many of them

are carrying Bibles in their

hands. How many of them who

do carry a Bible will thoughtfully

read it, study it, understand it, use

it, and do what it says?

We Can Expect Mockers

Notice what Peter tells us in 2

Peter 3:3: "Knowing this first, that

there shall come in the last days


The word "SCOFFERS" means

"MOCKERS—those who make

fun." These mockers will make

fun of our Lord’s promise that He

will come again. They will say,

"Where is the ________________

of His _________________?" (2

Peter 3:4).

In the days of Noah, do you think

there were mockers? Do you think

people made fun of Noah?

Perhaps they said, "Where is this

rain that Noah promised? We

don’t see any rain! Noah, you are

a fool to build an ark where there

is no water!" But when the door of

the ark was shut, and when it was

too late to enter, and when the rain

started coming down and getting

deeper, how many people do you





Continued next page

Test Your Bible Knowledge

Read the following statements that a person might

make. If the person is


elieving God’s Word, put

the letter


in the space. If the person is




elieving God’s Word, put the letters


in the


Jesus Christ is the Son of God (Matthew


Jesus Christ was the greatest man who ever

lived, but He was not God.

Adam was the first man, but he evolved from

ape-like creatures.

Man was created directly by God and did not

evolve from lower forms of life (Genesis 1:27).

God is a loving God and He would never send

anyone to hell.

Those who refuse to believe in Christ will

perish (John 3:16).

There are many ways to get to heaven, and all

the religions in the world are teaching men the

same truth about God.

Jesus is the only way to heaven and those who

want to get to God must go through Him (John


The Bible is true because God cannot lie (John

17:17; Titus 1:2).

The Bible has some nice stories in it with some

good lessons for us, but the Bible also contains

many mistakes and factual errors.

To be born again, a person must live a good

life and keep the Ten Commandments.

To be born again, a person must admit that he

is a sinner and must call out to God and ask

God to save him (Luke 18:13; Rom.10:13).

Jesus is coming again (John 14:3).

The early Christians thought that Jesus would

come again. However, they must have been

wrong because it has been about 2,000 years

and He has not come yet.