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The Amish Voice 7

Who Is Standing On The Bible?

Let's learn something else about these

difficult days in which we live. The

Bible says in 1 Timothy 4:1,

"That in the

latter times some shall depart from the

faith, giving heed to seducing

spirits and doctrines of demons."

The devil loves to deceive men and

draw them away from the truth.

This verse is telling us that there

will be some who will depart from

God's truth. They were once

standing on God's truth, but then

they walked away:

Watch Out For

The False Teachers!

In 2 Peter 2:1 Peter said, "there shall be

____________ ___________________

among you."

Do you think these teachers will teach the

truth? ______

In 1 John 4:1 we are told that "many

_________________ prophets are gone

out into the ______________." We

learned about false prophets in the last

chapter of these notes. Do false prophets

give people God’s true message? ______

In Acts 20:29-30, Paul warned the

Ephesians that false teachers would

come. What kind of animal does he

compare them to (Acts 20:29)? ________


Just as wolves destroy sheep, so false

teachers seek to destroy believers by

getting them to turn away from the Lord

and not believe His Word. These false

teachers would come from without (Acts

20:29) and they would also arise from

within (Acts 20:30).

How can we tell if a person is a FALSE

TEACHER? First, we must listen very

carefully to what the teacher is saying,

and then we must ask these

questions: "Is this really what the Bible

says?" "Does the Bible really teach

this?" "Did this teacher get these ideas

from the Bible or from somewhere else?"

Can the Bible ever be wrong? ________

Can the Bible ever teach something that

is not true? ________

Can a teacher ever be wrong? _________

Can a teacher ever teach something

that is not true? _________

Suppose a person were to come to

your door and tell you: "Jesus Christ

is a great angel, but He is not

God." Is this what the Bible says

(Matthew 1:23, John 1:1 and 14;

John 20:28, Titus 2:13)? _______

Does this person agree with what

the Bible says? _________

Is this person teaching the truth? ______

Remember, the devil may use people to

try to deceive you and trick you, but

God’s Word (the Bible) will never

deceive you or trick you. Whenever you

are taught something (even by your own

ministers or trusted people in the

community), go to the

Bible and see if it is

really so (see Acts



As the world continues to turn its back on God, we want to take a look at what the future holds according to the One who is

the Beginning and the End—God! We hope you enjoy and benefit from this series, courtesy of Middletown Bible Church.

Follow along, fill in the blanks, and look up! May we all be ready for the return of Jesus Christ!

You will need a Bible for this lesson.