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The Amish Voice 16

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The Amish Voice

Conference Call Schedule

is listed on page 10!

Time as we know it is rapidly moving

into its final stages. What once was a

daily routine of quiet serenity and peace

in many Christian homes in the West is

now rather an atmosphere of shaking,

with families being sifted to the core, and

this combined with global upheaval,

apostasy, and lawlessness. Many are now

in fear of what is coming; others remain

in denial and blissful ignorance, clueless

of the coming crisis.

We have entered the hour of the greatest

shift in the history of mankind, with

impending judgment. It is the moment of


“Multitudes, multitudes, in the valley of

decision! For the day of the Lord is near

in the valley of decision” (Joel 3:14).

In the midst of this coming crisis and the

great falling-away of the Church, God

has an ultimate plan that will be

redemptive beyond anyone's imagination.

God’s designs will in the end defeat

Satan's strategies—He will save His


In light of this, the Church will soon be

placed within the valley of decision,

where She will be compelled to make a

deliberate choice for or against the




wavering. When She emerges, the gates

of hell will throw every obstacle

imaginable at Her to stop Her, but it will

be in vain, for in the very end She will

triumph. This will be the crowning

moment of all history, when the Church

collectively chooses to obey, even at the

ultimate cost of mass martyrdom.

“ And I say also unto thee, That thou art

Peter, and upon this rock I will build my

church; and the gates of hell shall not

prevail against it” (Mathew 16:18).

Even so, in every age and in every

generation, God has had a Remnant who

walked in unconditional obedience at any

cost. In and through this elect group of

intercessors, He historically performed

His plan which is now leading up to the

final moments of our day. It is this

Remnant that comprises the emerging

Bride. She dies daily so others can live.

She gives away all things so that She can

gain all for Christ. She has been shaped

and molded by the loving hands of the

Father in much tribulation, hardship, and

fire. She carries God’s glory to the four

corners of the earth. She bears the

fingerprint of God, and is preparing the

way for the ultimate redemption of the

Church globally. She has no designs for

personal gain, honor, or recognition. She

glorifies the Lord.

“Therefore I endure all things for the

Continued inside back cover

The End of the Age and the Coming of the Lord

—Ben Girod and Roy Yoder