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The Amish Voice 6

by a religious system of works that

cannot bring us true peace, love, and


The Seventh-Day Adventist church may

sound very good and Biblical. They use

the Bible to explain many of their beliefs.

There may be some true Christians in the

SDA church, just as there may be true

some Christians in other Christian-based

religions. However, what has been

explained here regarding Sabbath-




investigative judgment ought to be

enough to warn you to be careful and to

seek God’s Word. Many people are

attracted to the kindness and teachings of

the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses,

Seventh-Day Adventists, and others.

Satan can transform himself into an angel

of light. We must be careful with any

group that teaches that we are saved by

faith in Jesus, but then must keep that

salvation by works or by following rules,

just as we must be careful about those

religious groups that teach that we are

saved by keeping rules or belonging to a

specific church.

Freedom comes by way of faith in Jesus.

We are truly free when we repent of our

sins, trust in the Savior, and are forgiven

for our sins and adopted into the family

of God. If you become a son or daughter

of the King of Kings, you do not have to

work and keep rules and follow laws in

order to remain a child of the king. Your

faithful life and actions can help to prove

that you have been changed by God’s

Holy Spirit and adopted into God’s

family, but you do not keep your adopted

status based upon your works.

Are you bound in a religious system of

works and rules, or have you found the

peace, truth, and freedom that come

through Jesus Christ alone?

Are you looking for truth? Be careful that

you do not go from one religious system

to another. Go to Jesus alone. Trust in

Him and in the Word of God. Find a

church that teaches the Bible and not

man’s traditions in place of the Bible.

How is it with you? Will you trust in

a church or a religion, or

in Jesus Christ?



By Hank Hanegraaff


incere believers are sharply divided on this question.

Some say Christians


lose their salvation and

subsequently must be born again and again if they fall

away. Others contend that true believers


lose their

salvation through sin, but they can apostatize or walk away

from their salvation. Still others hold that salvation begins at

the moment of conversion (not death) and continues for all

eternity—I hold this view for several reasons.

First, outward appearances can be deceiving. Consider Judas.

For three years, he was part of Christ’s inner circle. From all

outward appearances, he was a true follower of Christ. Yet,

Jesus characterized Judas as “a devil” (John 6:70). The book

of Hebrews warns us that there were Jews who, like Judas,

tasted God’s goodness and yet turned from his grace. They

acknowledged Christ with their lips, but their apostasy proved

that their faith was not real.

Furthermore, we would do well to remember that everlasting

life means just that—life everlasting. This life does not begin

when we die but when we embrace the Savior who died in our

place. As our physical birth can never be undone, so, too, our

spiritual birth can never be undone. Christ said “Ye must be

born again” (John 3:7), not “ye must be born again and again

and again.” In Philippians, Paul praises God for the confidence

that, “He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it

until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).

Finally, Scripture is replete with passages that testify to the

security of the believer. John 5:24 assures us that “he who

believes ...


eternal life”; 1 Corinthians 1:8 promises that

Christ will “confirm you unto the end”; and Jude 24

guarantees that God “is able to keep you from falling, and to

present you faultless before the presence of his glory with

exceeding joy.” Moreover, Ephesians provides the surety that

“ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, which is the

earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the

purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory” (1:13-14).

As has been well said, the Lord’s trees are evergreen.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they

follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they

shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out

of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater

than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my

Father's hand. —John 10:27-29