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The Amish Voice 2

This publishing work is registered as a charitable organization in the USA and is supported through freewill offerings. We welcome your

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Since our beginning in 2000, many people have written to us, asking to be added to our mailing list, while others have sent us names of

their friends and family members. We think it’s important for us to tell you that the cost of

The Amish Voice

is $.50 a copy and is totally

funded by readers from across our great country who appreciate the ministry and care to support it. If the Lord would lay it on your heart

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unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye

shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

[2] And the woman said unto the serpent,

We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the

garden: [3] But of the fruit of the tree

which is in the midst of the garden, God

hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither

shall ye touch it, lest ye die. [4] And the

serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not

surely die: [5] For God doth know that in

the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes

shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,

knowing good and evil. [6] And when the

woman saw that the tree was good for

food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes,

and a tree to be desired to make one

wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did

eat, and gave also unto her husband with

her; and he did eat. [7] And the eyes of

them both were opened, and they knew

that they were naked; and they sewed fig

leaves together, and made themselves


It was in Genesis chapter 3 that Adam

surrendered his crown to Satan; Satan

gladly assumed dominion over the Earth

in Genesis chapter 3. Romans 5:12

continues, “

Wherefore, as by one man sin

entered into the world, and death by sin;

and so death passed upon all men, for

that all have sinned….”

Satan’s policy of

evil succeeded in involving Earth: Adam

willfully gave up his divinely-ordained

earthly dominion. So, God gave man the

dominion over the Earth; when man

willfully sided with Satan, man became

controlled by Satan and sin, and through

fallen man, Satan gained power over the

Earth. Consequently, Satan dominates the

world’s political, religious, social,

economic, and educational systems.

Hence, the Bible talks about

“this present



(Galatians 1:4). Satan is


“the god

[or ruler]

of this


(2 Corinthians 4:4). The Bible

says in 1 John 5:19,

“And we know that

we are of God, and

the whole world lieth

in wickedness


Ephesians 2:2 speaks of

the evil

“course of this world.”

We need to notice what Satan told Jesus

during His temptations. The Bible

relays the narrative in Matthew


“[8] Again, the devil

taketh him up into an





sheweth him all

the kingdoms of

the world, and

the glory of

them; [9] And

saith unto him,

All these things will I

give thee, if thou wilt fall

down and worship me.”

Luke 4:5-7 is the

comparative passage:

“[5] And the devil,

taking him up into an high mountain,

shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the

world in a moment of time. [6] And the

devil said unto him, All this power will I

give thee, and the glory of them: for that

is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever

I will I give it. [7] If thou therefore wilt

worship me, all shall be thine.”

Did you notice how Satan offered to give

the world’s kingdoms to Jesus? The Lord

Jesus, knowing full well that Satan had

dominion over the Earth, never argued

with him. He knew that Satan was

controlling this world system, and that

the only way to restore the world system

to God was


to bow down to and

worship Satan, but to die for man’s sins.

In hindsight, we see how the shed blood

of Jesus Christ on Calvary is now the

means whereby God will restore heaven

and earth to Himself (more on this later).

Satan is currently usurping God’s

authority in the Earth. Hence, Jesus

Christ said in John 18:36:

“Jesus answered, My

kingdom is not of this

world: if my kingdom

were of this world,

then would my

servants fight, that

I should not be

delivered to the

Jews: but now is

my kingdom not

from hence.”


kingdom was


of this world”

in the

sense that His kingdom was one from

God rather than one from Satan. The

Lord Jesus’ kingdom would



from the evil world system that is

presently operating on Earth and in the


The book of Job describes Satan’s

activity in the Earth. We read in Job 1:6-


“[6] Now there was a day when the

sons of God came to present themselves

before the LORD, and Satan came also

among them. [7] And the LORD said

unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then

Satan answered the LORD, and said,

Continued next page