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The Amish Voice 11


Today, many people use credit cards to buy or sell. The credit

card has numbers on it and it can be handed to the clerk at the

store. People living in the Tribulation will have credit "cards"

also, but these credit "cards" will not be on cards. They will be

on people’s right hands or foreheads. If they do not have the

right mark, then they will not be able to buy or sell. How well

would your family do if you could not go to the grocery store,

the drug store, the gasoline station, or any other kind of store?

You would not be able to get the things that you need for daily


Note: The mark of the beast will probably involve some kind

of computer chip or RFID tag [radio frequency identification]

attached to the right hand or forehead that will be able to be

scanned at stores, etc. Even today such technology exists and

can be implanted under the skin. It is quite

amazing and a tribute to the divine

inspiration of the Bible, that the book of

Revelation mentions such a technology that

was unknown to the world until the last part

of the 20th century. It was not unknown to

God, who knows the end from the beginning!

What will a person be saying when he takes

the mark of the BEAST? Taking the mark

means that he has actually made this


"I have decided to worship the beast (Rev.

14:9). I am rejecting Jesus Christ as my

Saviour, and I am choosing to worship the

devil and his man (Rev. 13:4). I do not want

to be part of God’s kingdom, but I want to be

part of the devil’s wicked system. My name

will not be found in the Lamb' s book of life

(Rev. 13:8), and I will perish in hell forever

(Rev. 14:9-11). I am choosing Satan and I am

rejecting God!"

Taking the mark of the beast in that day will

actually be a deliberate choice to go to hell

(Rev. 14:9-11).

The Great Decision

Those living in the time of great trouble will have a great

decision to make. Will they take the mark or not? Will they

worship the BEAST or not? Will they follow Christ or will they

follow the Antichrist? Whom will it be, GOD or the DEVIL?

Let’s think about this important decision and what people will

gain and lose:

The Person Who Takes the Mark of the Beast:

What will he gain? Will he be able to buy and sell (Rev.

13:17)? ______ Will the Beast persecute him and try to kill him

(Rev. 20:4)? ______ For 3½ years, the person who takes the

mark will be protected by the Beast and by his government.

What will he lose? Will he be in the book of life (Rev.13:8)?

_____Will he be punished forever and ever in fire (Rev. 14:9-

11)? __________

The Person Who Refuses to Take the Mark of the


What will he lose? Will he be able to buy and sell (Rev.

13:17)? ______Will the Beast be after him (Rev. 13:7)? _____

Could he lose his life (Rev. 13:5)? ______

Could he lose his head (Rev. 20:4)?


What will he gain? If he dies in the

Tribulation, is he cursed or blessed (Rev.

14:13)? ____________________ Will he

enjoy the kingdom of God (Rev. 20:4)?

______ He may suffer for 3½ years, but he

will enjoy the blessing of God forever (see

Revelation 7:14-17).

It will not be easy to be a believer in the

time of great trouble. It will be very easy to

take the mark. God wants us to do what is

right, even if it is not an easy thing to do. If

we choose to do right, God will help us to

do even those things that are very difficult.

Think about yourself and the decision you

need to make. Are you going to reject Christ

or receive Christ? Are you going to be part

of the devil’s system or are you going to be

part of Christ’s kingdom (Colossians

1:13)? Whom will you choose—God or

the devil? If you choose to reject Christ,

what will you gain? What will you

lose? If you choose to receive Christ, what

will you lose? What will you gain? Is it

easy being a Christian today? Why? Why

not? Have you decided to follow Jesus? Why? Why not?

Write to us at: The Amish Voice

PO Box 128

Savannah, OH 44874

And I saw as it were a sea

of glass mingled with fire:

and them that had gotten

the victory over the

beast, and over his

image, and over his mark,

and over the number of

his name, stand on the

sea of glass, having the

harps of God. And they

sing the song of Moses

the servant of God, and

the song of the Lamb,




marvellous are thy works,

Lord God Almighty; just

and true are thy ways,

thou King of saints.

(Revelation 15:2-3)