The Amish Voice 9
beginning" (1 John 3:8). The devil was the very first creature
that sinned against God. Instead of loving God and serving
God, Lucifer wanted to take the place of God. He even said in
his heart, "I WILL BE _____________ THE MOST
HIGH" (Isaiah 14:12-14).
The man of sin will copy Satan’s sin. He will also try to take the
place of God. Instead of worshiping God, he will demand that
people worship him (Rev. 13:12, 15). Instead of serving God,
he will try to force everyone to serve him. He will even present
himself as GOD (2 Thessalonians 2:4).
This man’s life will be the opposite of righteousness. If you
want to know what righteousness really is, then study the life of
Jesus Christ the Righteous One (1 John 2:1). If you want to
know what sin really is, then study the life of this man (THE
BEAST) who is called the wicked one (2 Thessalonians 2:8). If
sin could become a person, this man would be what sin would
look like!
Note: The word "wicked (one)" mentioned in 2 Thessalonians
2:8 actually means "the lawless one." The Antichrist will not
only be the man of sin, but the man of lawlessness. He will
have no regard for the law of God. He will be a rebel against all
that represents God and His standards. His greatest act of
lawlessness will be when he presents himself as God (2
Thessalonians 2:4).
3) The Antichrist
John tells us in 1 John 2:18 that "ANTICHRIST shall
C_____________." John was saying something like this; "This
man is not here yet, but he is coming!" The ANTICHRIST will
come! The devil’s man shall come! In fact, it is very possible
that he is alive today!
The word "ANTICHRIST" can mean two things, and both of
these are true about this man:
1) The word "ANTICHRIST" can mean "AGAINST CHRIST."
We know that this man will be against Christ and against the
people who believe in Christ. He will be God’s enemy! He will
be a foe, not a friend. He will OPPOSE God (2 Thess. 2:11) and
he will fight against everything that stands for God. He also has
a BIG MOUTH that will speak against God (see Daniel 7:8;
Rev. 13:5). The Bible says that he "shall speak marvellous
things _____________________ the God of gods" (Dan.11:36).
2) The word "ANTICHRIST" can also mean "To take the place
of Christ." Jesus Christ is the One who should be loved and
worshiped and adored, but this wicked man will try to get
himself loved and worshiped and adored (2 Thess. 2:4). Instead
of exalting Jesus Christ, whom will he exalt (Daniel 11:36)?
Instead of getting people to worship Jesus Christ, whom will he
get people to worship (Rev. 13:15) _______________________
And if people refuse to worship him, what will happen to them
(Revelation 13:15)? __________________________________
How Powerful Will This Man Be?
How long will this evil man be in power (Rev. 13:5)? ________
MONTHS (or 3½ years).
We learned in Chapter 7 that this 3½ year period is called the
Great Tribulation (the time of great trouble). At the beginning
of this period, Satan will be cast out of heaven (Rev. 12:7-12)
and he only has 3½ short years to cause trouble (Rev. 12:12).
Where does the BEAST get his power (Rev. 13:2, 4)?
Who is the DRAGON (Rev. 12:7)? ____________________
It is during these last 3½ years that the devil gives this man
absolute power over all the kingdoms of the world. Satan is the
one working behind this man (2 Thess. 2:9). People will not
only worship the BEAST, but they will also worship the one
who gives the BEAST his power (Rev. 13:5)!
Will anyone be able to make war with this man (Rev. 13:4)?
Will he have power over all peoples and nations throughout the
world (Rev. 13:7)? _________
This man will be the RULER over the whole world! He will be
the WORLD DICTATOR. He will be the earth’s king. He will
be the most powerful and the most evil ruler the world has ever
The False Prophet
There will be another evil man living during the Tribulation
who will help the man of sin. This man is called the FALSE
PROPHET and he is described in Revelation 13:11-16. He is
also called a "BEAST" (Revelation 13:11).
Revelation 13:1-10 talks about the FIRST BEAST who is the
MAN OF SIN or the ANTICHRIST. He is the world ruler.
Revelation 13:11-16 talks about ANOTHER BEAST who is the
FALSE PROPHET. His job is to get people to worship the
FIRST BEAST. The FALSE PROPHET will cause those who
dwell on the earth "to _________________ the first
beast" (Rev. 13:12). This man will do great miracles which will
really fool people.
What is one miracle that he will do (Rev. 13:13)?
Time of Trouble,
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