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The Amish Voice 16

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Topics, Testimonies, and

Live Conference Calls Over

the Phone. See Schedules

on Pages 5 and 12!

Paul starts Hebrews 3:7 by writing,

Wherefore as the Holy Spirit says



then quotes Psalm 95:7-11. By quoting

Old Testament scriptures to these New

Testament Christians, Paul is making it

quite clear that the Holy Spirit still speaks

to us today from the Old Testament. In

fact, in I Cor. 10:1-11

he tells us the things

that happened to the

children of Israel

while they journeyed

in the wilderness


written for our


so we

could be warned and




mistakes they made.




hardening our hearts is

as great today as it was

for the children of Israel

in the desert. We need to

heed the solemn warnings in the

Old Testament against sin and

hardening of our hearts, as well as those

in the New Testament. All were given to

us by the Holy Spirit, and these warnings

are as applicable to us today as they were

to Israel at that time.

Paul then continues with

Today if you

will hear His voice.




hear is crucial as well as a



hear today. A lazy

man will put off work

until tomorrow, and a

foolish man will put

off forsaking his sin

until tomorrow, but



comes for them. A

person who is


to change today will soon

be changed. A person who is


to learn today will

soon have knowledge. A

person living in sin is


to hear the voice of

God and


to obey.

This is the evidence of a hard

heart. We need to ask God for a

willing and obedient heart and mind. We

need to pray as David did,

Search me, O

God, and know my heart. . . see if there

be any wicked way in me

(Psalm 139).

Jesus said,

My sheep hear my voice.

There are many ways to

hear His voice.

As Christians we need to become well

acquainted with the voice of the

Shepherd, but a hard heart will keep us

from hearing and recognizing His voice.

The voice of the Father will speak to our

heart. Some of the ways God may speak

to us are:

1. Through the Scriptures

2. By preaching or teaching of truth

3. Through our conscience

4. Through circumstances and events

5. Through the admonitions and

counsel of other Christians

6. By the leading of the Spirit or a

"knowing" in the inner man

7. Through dreams and visions

8. By an audible voice

A hardened heart will have no interest in

the Scriptures. When it

hears truth preached, there

is very little impression

Do Not Harden Your Heart

—By G. Yoder


on page 14