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The Amish Voice 14

made on a hard heart. A hardened heart is

one in which the conscience is dull and

insensitive. A hardened heart will

scarcely be moved by circumstances or

the warnings of other people. And of

course, a hard heart will not sense that

still small voice in the inner man.

We must be moved by the voice of God

speaking to us in our heart. It must cause

us to change our course of action. To

believe is not enough, even

the devils

believe and tremble


Our beliefs must

affect our actions or it is not real belief,

and we have been deceived.

Harden not

your hearts.

So, the idea here is that the heart is

hardened by the refusal to listen to and

obey the voice of God. I will give you a

good illustration.

My husband has to get up every morning

at 5:00 am, and I don't have to get up

until later. His alarm clock is set to go off

at 5:00 am, but I hardly ever hear it. The

loud buzzing does not wake me up any

longer, and most mornings I sleep right

through it. The repeated action of

ignoring the alarm clock has caused me

to be unable to hear it. That is how a hard

heart is created: the repeated choice of

refusing to heed.

It seems to me there are three kinds of

hardness of heart that we have to deal

with and be on guard for. First, there is a

natural hardness of heart that we are all

born with. It is from the old nature of

Adam and does not necessarily come by

our choices, but by the sin of Adam.

Because of Adam's sin nature,

all have

sinned and come short of the glory of



ye must be born again.


born again of the nature of God is the

remedy for this one.

Second, there is a hardness that can come

because of offense (someone hurts you),

especially to Christians, and I want to

address this one very briefly.

A. We must not become bitter or

unforgiving when we are wronged. If

it is another Christian who sins

against us, we must confront him

according to Scripture in Matt. 18

and hold him accountable.

B. If we are wronged by way of

persecution, we are to rejoice that we

were counted worthy to suffer for

His Name's sake, and we are to pray

for those who persecute us.

The third kind of hardness of heart is the

one referred to in Hebrews 3:12 when the

author writes to the Hebrew Christians,

Beware lest there be in any of you an

evil heart of unbelief in departing from

the living God.

This is the one I would

like to address at length. A "departure"

from someone or something comes in

taking small steps or in making small

choices, if you will. A departure from the

living God would look something like the

following steps I have outlined.

Step 1.

Consenting to, in the mind, or

agreeing with sin. (Verse 13 tells us that

sin is deceitful, so this first step, or the

very foundation of this "departure," is to

join ourselves with a liar).

Step 2.

Doing or committing the sin.

The more times this step is taken, the

harder the heart becomes.

Step 3.

No longer seeing the wrong of

your sin and past the boundaries of

believing what God has to say about it.

Step 4.

Openly defiant to the truth as

given to us by God, in both your speech

and your actions.

Step 5.

At some point, you become no

longer reachable by God or man, grieving

the Spirit so that He leaves, with the end

result being a seared conscience and a

reprobate mind.

Praise God! Those who have known the

Father and have "departed" because of

sin can reverse their direction and come

back to Him. This reversal is called

repentance, and God the Father will be

waiting with open arms to forgive and

cleanse them. They can and will be

restored as if they had never departed

from Him. The mercy of God is extended

to us, and we can come to Him boldly

and without shame when we need His

help to overcome and forsake sin.

For those who have not yet known the

Father, the same is true.

He is not willing

that any should perish, but that all

should come to repentance.

Come before

the Lord and pour out your heart to Him,

surrender your whole life to Him, and

purpose to obey Him no matter the cost.

Confess and forsake your sin and receive

Jesus as your Lord and Savior and follow

Him. Today is the day of salvation, and

the Lord Jesus is calling out to you.

So, let us

exhort one another daily

. It is

our duty to exhort each other in this way,

and so much the more as we see the day


To exhort means to speak

to, to address, to admonish and warn. No

doubt, many people have been severely

wounded by the so-called "exhortation"

of others, and much evil and damage has

been done to the Body of Christ. This

will, unfortunately, likely continue to

happen, but is that a sufficient reason to

disobey this command to exhort one

another? I don't believe it is. Does this

mean we should look for the faults in

others so that we can be the best

"exhorter" in the church? Of course not!

Love does not look for faults; love is not

easily provoked and thinks no evil. We

need to grow up and learn to walk in the

Spirit. The reason the Holy Spirit will

lead a person to exhort another is for the

glory of God and for His Kingdom, not to

tear someone else down or to exalt


Now, let’s look at the

deceitfulness of



Sin is from the devil. He is the father

of lies, so sin is a liar. The person who

commits sin is always under a delusion.

Sin promises much but gives little,. It

will give pleasure for a season, but that

season is very short. It appears to be fun,

but is actually filthy. It presents itself as

pleasant, but is very destructive. It

assures us of pleasure and

fulfillment that it will

Hardened Heart,

cont. from back cover


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