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The Amish Voice 15

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Voice . . .

never deliver. It will take us way beyond

where we ever thought we would go,

once we submit to it. If we could see the

end of a journey with sin before we

started that journey, we would flee in

abhorrence. This is why we must trust

God and believe what He says about the

matter, because He can see the end of

such a journey when we cannot.

The devil has had thousands of years to

perfect his traps, and I see how he goes

after young people in the body of Christ

when they are in a vulnerable time in

their life. While they are children, they

obey the voice of God that comes through

their Christian parents. When they reach

the age of accountability to God and they

have to start making their own choices in

life, the enemy is ready and waiting.

Because their faith must be a work in

their own heart and not a hand-me-down

from a church or from their parents, they

will start to question some of the things

they have been taught. I believe this

questioning is normal and a part of

growing up into maturity. During this

time of questioning, the devil is willing to

provide answers for them. If they humble

themselves and pray and seek God's face

for answers to their questions, they will

come through this time safely. If they

become prideful and pay no attention to

the written guidelines God has for them

in the Scriptures and the voice of the

Lord speaking in their hearts, they will

eventually find themselves in a place they

never thought they would be.

What young person, now vigorous and

healthy with a good prospect of a happy

and fulfilling life, would ever take that

first dose of drugs to fit in with friends, if

they could see themselves a few years in

the future when their health is gone, teeth

missing, no money and alone in life? Sin

will say, “You can stop at any time!" but

sin is deceitful.

What young person, now strong and

happy with a bright future, would ever

take that first drink of alcohol at a

worldly party that caters to their fleshly

lusts, if they could see years into the

future when their liver is destroyed and

they've lost their home and family

because of drunkenness? Sin will

say ,"That won't happen to you!" but sin

is deceitful.

What young lady, with a beautiful body

and the hope of a loving marriage would

ever wear clothes and behave in ways

that excite the flesh and draw the

attention of lustful men to attempt to fill

her need for one true love, if she could

see years into the future when her body

and emotions are broken, having been

used by many with no love from any? Sin

will say, “You’re in charge and you can

handle it!" but sin is deceitful.

The list of traps is endless, and they are

not just for young people, by any means.

But, praise God! He always makes a way

of escape for us and it will always be

through hearing and obeying His voice

today! Our relationship with the Lord

must be the kind of relationship that Jesus

had with God the Father. Jesus is our

example and He lived his life by hearing

from the Father and obeying

His voice daily. —G. Yoder


John 3:8,

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest

the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and

whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

Things are not unreal just because they are unseen. The wind cannot be

seen, but it is real. We see the trees bend before it and sails filled with it,

and we hear its sound, but the wind itself is invisible.

The Holy Spirit cannot be seen, but we see the effect of His indwelling in

the hearts of men—love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,

faith, meekness, temperance. Surely it takes something real and powerful

to produce these effects in a human life.

The manager of a granite quarry said, “We can lift an acre of solid granite

ten feet thick to any desired height by using compressed air.” If invisible

air can accomplish such a feat, and we know it can, why should we think

it incredible that the Holy Spirit has power to do all things?

The Power of the Invisible