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The Amish Voice 3

had been paid for by Jesus Christ

Himself! My own efforts were useless,

because Jesus had already done

everything that was needed for my sins to

be forgiven.


And every priest

standeth daily





the same


which can

never take

away sins:

The priests in the

Old Testament had to

offer hundreds of sacrifices

every day for the sins of the people,

and even that could not take away their



But this man,


after he had

offered one sacrifice for sins for

ever, sat down on the right hand of



From henceforth expecting till his

enemies be made his footstool.


For by one offering he hath

perfected for ever them that are


Once again, the words of the Bible hit

home. The words





coming up:

Once for all. . . . One

sacrifice for sins forever. . . . By one

offering. . . .

Slowly the truth dawned on

me. Christ had made one sacrifice for my

sins, and that was all it took. Nothing

more was needed to pay for my sins,

because He had finished the job. I could

do nothing to add to His sacrifice to make

it better. I suddenly realized that all the

months and years of trying to please God

by living a good Christian life had

absolutely no value in paying for my sins.

I realized that while I had been waiting

on God to forgive my sins and save me,

He had already paid for my sins through

the sacrifice of Jesus, and He was waiting

on me to believe it. The problem had not

been that God did not want to save me;

the problem was that I was so busy trying

to live a good life to impress God that I

didn’t have time to accept

what He had already

done for me.

I now saw and





was sure

and secure

because it





had done, not

what I did. As time

went on and I continued

to study the Bible, I became more

and more convinced and persuaded of

this. There were many times when I took

my eyes off Christ and His sacrifice and

tried to keep God happy by being a good

Christian. Every time, though, I would

come to the point where I would once

again long for the peace that came from

simply trusting in Jesus, and I would

return to the cross, where I was

guaranteed to have freedom. All my life I

had been taught that I had to be a good

person to please God, and now I had to

retrain my mind to understand that my

goodness could never be good enough.

It took some time for me to learn how to

live in this new reality of depending upon

the work of Jesus instead of upon my

own works. Often in desperation I went

back to the Bible, again looking for the

answer, and every time it pointed me to

Jesus. Slowly, I learned to walk by faith

in Jesus, to trust Him day by day as all

that I needed to stand before God.

As I grew in this faith, I became more

and more confident and bold in Christ,

and I learned how to stand strong in faith

against the doubt and fear that kept trying

to come into my heart. I learned to love

Jesus more and more, and as I followed

Him and continued to believe Him, I

discovered that sin, although it was still

as much of a temptation as before, was

losing its power over me.

Today, I testify that I have peace with

God because of Jesus Christ. I can look

death square in the face and not be afraid

of it, because Jesus has gone before me

into death and has taken the keys of death

from Satan. He has finished all the work

that was required to pay for my sins and

to get me into heaven, into the very

presence of God.

He is sitting at God’s right hand, praying

for me before the Father, waiting for me

to arrive safely in heaven. I do not have

to simply hope that I will be lucky

enough to make it; I know I will make it,

not because I lived a good enough life,

but because Jesus made a good enough

sacrifice for me. I do not trust in my own

righteousness; I trust in the righteousness

of God, given to me on my behalf.

John 3:35

The Father loveth the Son,

and hath given all things into his



He that believeth on the Son hath

everlasting life: and he that

believeth not the Son shall not see

life; but the wrath of God abideth

on him.

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My Story


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Part 4 is coming up in the next issue.