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The Amish Voice 11

A Time of Judgment

Today we are living in a day of GRACE. God is being kind to

men even though they do not deserve it. God is offering His gift

of salvation to all men (John 3:16; Romans 6:23; 1 John 5:11-

12). God is not judging the world; rather He is giving people

time to be saved.

When men reject God’s grace, then there is nothing left but

God’s judgment. If men reject God’s love, then they must face

God’s wrath and anger.

In the days of Noah, God was gracious to men for 120 years

(Genesis 6:3 and 1 Peter 3:20). During these years, Noah was

building the ark and men, women, and children were given an

opportunity to be saved. People could have come into the ark

with Noah, but they refused to believe God. Finally the 120

years came to an end and the door of the ark closed. The day of

grace was over, and the day of judgment began. THE FLOOD


Today God has been gracious to men and women for much

longer than 120 years. For about 2,000 years, God has been

gracious to this world, inviting men to be saved. But soon God’s

day of grace will be over and God will pour out His anger upon

this world. Instead of being the God of grace, He will be the

God of judgment. This is one of the reasons the tribulation will

be such a difficult time. God will pour out His judgments upon

the people who live on the earth.

Three Series of Judgments

The book of Revelation teaches us that there will be three series

of judgments, or plagues, that will fall upon the earth:

1) The Seven Seal Judgments

Read about these in Revelation chapter 6 and 8:1. What are

some of the things that will happen to those living on the earth?

2) The Seven Trumpet Judgments

Read about these in Revelation chapters 8 and 9 and 11:15.

What are some of the things that will happen?

3) The Seven Vial or Bowl Judgments

Read about these in Revelation chapter 16. What are some of

the things that will happen?

These terrible judgments remind us of the plagues that God

brought on the land of Egypt in the days of Moses (Exodus 6-

12). One difference is this: in the days of Moses, the plagues

came only upon the land of Egypt. During the time of great

trouble, the plagues and judgments will come upon ALL THE

EARTH (see Revelation 3:10).

What will these people do when these plagues come down upon

them? Will they wake up and turn to God? Will they believe

God and turn away from their sinful ways? Will they repent?

The answer is found in Revelation 9:20-21. Do they change

their minds and turn from their wicked ways? ______

A Time of Grace

Even though this time of great trouble will be a time when God

will judge sinful men, it will also be a time when people will be

saved. Even at a time when God judges, His grace can be seen.

Even at the darkest hour of human history, there will be a ray of

light. God will reach down in love and save people by His


Read Revelation chapter 7. This chapter tells us about people

who will be saved during this time of great trouble. How many

saved Jews will there be (Revelation 7:4)? _________________

___________________________________ In verse 9 we learn

about another group of saved people from every nation. How

many were there? ____________________________________

Yes, many saved people will come out of great tribulation

(verse 14)!

We also know that God’s



will be preached in all the

world: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached

in ______ the ______________" (Matthew 24:14). Then

Christ shall return to earth. The message of good news will

probably be something like this:

If Christ were to come for His believers today, would He take

you with Him or would He leave you behind? Are you sure that

you are saved? Are you sure that you have eternal life? If you

are not sure, please let us know. We want to help you TO BE

SURE ABOUT THESE THINGS. We want you to be able to

face the future without fear. You can know TODAY!

Write to us at: The Amish Voice

PO Box 128

Savannah, OH 44874

"I have good news for you! The King is coming soon!

You need to repent and turn from your sins and believe

in Christ the King. Even though you are living in a

time of great trouble, cheer up! The King of Kings is

coming! Receive Him now as your Saviour or else face

Him later as your Judge!"