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The Amish Voice 16

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Topics, Testimonies, and

Live Conference Calls Over

the Phone. See Schedules

on Pages 12 and 14!

I am sitting here in bed miserable. My

mouth and ear are in pain from a

toothache that won't go away after three

days. I finally couldn’t take it anymore,

and tonight I broke down. The funny

thing is, the pain is not the only reason

for my breakdown.

You may ask yourself, "Okay, why is she

getting so personal?” I would encourage

you to hold on for a bit. I have something

important to say. I will try to put it into


God is good. I've been caught up in so

much, and I’ve been trying to understand

so much that my head sometimes feels

like a murky mud puddle too dense to

make sense of anything. There are so

many different viewpoints presented to

me as well as different opinions, beliefs,

dress codes, and more. In the middle of it

all, I have been presented with an

impossible situation with seemingly

impossible decisions threatening to drive

me mad (I may possibly have created a

mountain out of a mole hill, but to me, it

is that bad).

My faith has been tested to the maximum

degree. I have tried hard to find realistic

and factual explanations for everything in

my life. I realize that there are answers to

my questions; however, the only way to

know ALL of the answers ALL of the

time is to know everything there is to

know, which is, of course, impossible.

Tonight, I accept the fact that my brain is

too small to know everything, so I will

simply trust in the One who does know

everything. When God's ways don't make

sense to me, I know—I KNOW, it is

simply due to my limited intelligence.

How do I know this to be true? From

experience. A tiny little *plink* of

truthful knowledge dropped into my head

would be enough, time and time again, to

dissolve my sincere accusations. In the

end, I would simply always respond with:


This is where I'm at right now at 12:18





uncomfortable. I am sure of one thing

from the very core of my being: God is a

good God. He is holy and just in every

way. I look at everybody. I look at

myself. There is always some form of

disappointment, because we're not

perfect; but as I look at God, I see that He

is perfect. He is good, through and

through. There is no smudge, no

shameful imperfection, nothing but

pureness and goodness. This is the kind

of God I am able to trust with my soul,

my family, and my life. This is the God I

worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).

This is the God I will follow through the

twists and turns in the maze of life, which

has many fine lines that are hard to


I don't need all the answers. I don't need

to be able to point at a group of

professing Christians and tell myself

which one is right and which one is

wrong. I only need God, and I only need

to worship Him in spirit and in truth. He

will then show me the truth I need to

know. I could go on forever with more

things I have learned, but this is already

too long, and I'd get off subject, so I will

leave you with this verse:

O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is

good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

Psalm 136:1

All I Need

—By Anna Schrock