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The Amish Voice 15

1. If you have any comments,




suggestions, or questions, or if

you want to send us an article

or your testimony to possibly be

printed in the

Amish Voice


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Amish Voice

and would like to help us with

the cost of printing and postage.

3. If you know of others who

might benefit from the



Contact us at:

The Amish Voice

P.O. Box 128

Savannah, OH 44874

(419) 962-1515

Contact The Amish Voice . . .

Dear Amish Voice:

God has revealed to

us that our lifestyle has no merits for

salvation. Galatians 3:2-3 says,


only would I learn of you, Received ye

the Spirit by the works of the law, or by

the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish?

having begun in the Spirit, are ye now

made perfect by the flesh?

Galatians 4:9 states,

But now, after that

ye have known God, or rather are

known of God, how turn ye again to the

weak and beggarly elements, whereunto

ye desire again to be in bondage?

We now see the lack of spirituality and

the way people leaned on and trusted in

their supposedly humble lifestyle. Still,

we unconsciously cling to that security.

The questions arise, “If we completely

lose our lifestyle, where will we end up?

If keeping that lifestyle will help us and

the next generation stay spiritual, why

don’t we consider it as part of our

salvation?” Our human tendency is to

think that keeping this lifestyle will help

us stay more spiritual and more humble,

when in reality it takes the focus off

God and puts it on human effort. The

real focus is drawing close to God in

meditation and prayer and service. If

we plant Jesus and His word deep in our

children’s hearts, we teach them that

Jesus is their friend who hears all their

prayers, and that He is the only thing in

this life that can keep us spiritual. Let’s

live and breathe Jesus Christ. He will

keep us Godly and humble in a way that

no human methods can.

When we think that our lifestyle keeps

us close to God, we show our sinful

pride in that outward observance as

being part of our protection against

Satan, when really the only thing greater

than the evil one is God who has given

us the spiritual armor, His Spirit, His

word, and prayer. The armor that we

have created is weak and human,

beggarly and pathetic, compared to

God’s wonderful plan of protection.

Our old belief system tends to go back

to trusting in things that we were taught

would protect us, when it is really just

Satan’s means of getting our eyes off the

real protection— Jesus Christ.

Where is the spiritual fruit that we

should be reaping? Many people go

from the sin of legalism to the sin of

being overly liberal. Both are sins, but

the liberality is not as deceptive and will

be easier to see. People can live in

legalism for years and be oblivious to

the fact of their lost condition. Our

children down through the generations

will be in danger of falling away to

either legalism or liberality, so our only

means of safety is to teach them to love

Jesus, to know and experience His

saving power, and to study God’s word

and rely on it as the final authority for

direction. — J. O.

Dear Reader,

it is not necessarily wrong

to have a certain lifestyle. It may even

be beneficial and admirable. The

problem comes when we trust in that

lifestyle instead of in Jesus. In what are

you trusting? In your works? In your

lifestyle? In your religion? Or in Jesus?

If you would like to write to us or call

us, please do. Ask a question, request

more information, comment on an

article, suggest a topic. We would love

to hear from you.

The Amish Voice

P.O. Box 128

Savannah, OH 44874

(419) 962-1515

Letter From a Reader

—By J. O.

Matthew 13:2-9:

And great

multitudes were gathered together

unto him, so that he went into a

ship, and sat; and the whole

multitude stood on the shore.

And he spake many things unto

them in parables, saying, behold, a

sower went forth to sow; and when

he sowed,



fell by the

way side

, and the fowls came and

devoured them up:

Some fell upon stony places


where they had not much earth: and

forthwith they sprung up, because

they had no deepness of earth: And

when the sun was up, they were

scorched; and because they had no

root, they withered away.

And some fell among thorns

; and

the thorns sprung up, and choked


But other fell into good ground


and brought forth fruit, some an

hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some


Read Matthew 13:10-23 for Jesus’

explanation of the sower and the seed.