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The Amish Voice 15

elect’s sakes, that they may also obtain

the salvation which is in Christ Jesus

with eternal glory” (2 Timothy 2:10).

“(I) now rejoice in my sufferings for you,

and fill up that which is behind of the

afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his






church” (Colossians 1:24).

“And shewing mercy unto thousands of

them that love me and keep my

commandments” (Deuteronomy 5:10).

It was John the Revelator who saw and

heard from the Throne, the marriage of

the Lamb and His Bride. She had

prepared and made Herself ready for this

monumental event (Rev. 19:5-9). This

marriage will be taking place after She is

taken out, or caught up (1 Thess. 4:16-


Many today believe in a collective

catching-away of the Church (which

traditionally has spawned long-standing

trust in various doctrines) to save them.

However, the Lord is presently preparing

a Remnant whose hearts and affections

are fully hidden in Him—

having shaken themselves

free from the bondages of

false security found in formal



and “party lines.”

In light of this, we are told by





“remember Lot’s wife” (Luke


It is important to note that He

does not say that she was a sinful

woman; she simply had her affections

misplaced—disqualifying her from being

delivered when judgment fell on the city.

To remember Lot’s wife is perhaps one

of the most critical messages of this hour.

Some of us may still have our affections

misplaced. It may be that we are still

resting securely in our favored doctrines,

which could fail us at the moment of


This is amplified in Luke 17:30-31:

“Even thus shall it be in the day when the

Son of man is revealed. In that day, he

which shall be upon the housetop, and

his stuff in the house, let him not come

down to take it away: and he that is in

the field, let him likewise not return


In light of these scriptures, with many

others relating to this event, it is

paramount that we prepare our hearts, for

it is what is in our hearts—not in church

doctrines—that will be the deciding

factor in the moment of crisis.

To be ready will depend on at least two


Number One:

having a per sonal and

trusting relationship with the Father, Son,

and Holy Spirit, without which we will

miss it (Matt. 25:13).

Number Two:

guar ding our hear ts

with daily repentance, to be able to stand

at the moment of His coming (Luke

21:34-36 and Rev. 3:10).

It is widely understood that the Great

Tribulation will be for the purification of

the Church; but for the Bride herself, She

already is transparent, prepared, and

waiting, as exemplified by the

“five wise

virgins” (Mathew 25).

In a marriage between a man and woman

there is total transparency; so it is with

Christ and His Bride—there is no room

for hidden agendas or broken

relationships. She is therefore not

destined for the Great Tribulation, but

will enter into her reward with her


In Revelation 6:5-6 we get a further clue

of the Bride’s status as these global

events begin unfolding, when the “rider

on the black horse” speaks of the scarcity

of food during this time, while at the

same time commanding not to harm the

oil or the wine. The five wise virgins

carried with them an abundance of oil,

together with purified hearts (wine)

enabling them to bypass these judgments,

for she is already judged (1 Cor. 11:31).

It is also important to note that the five

foolish virgins nevertheless were virgins,

which speaks of purity; they were not far

from the Kingdom, yet they missed the

critical moment of redemption, not

because of a sinful lifestyle, but by

trusting their church doctrines, and

allowing the cares of this life to deplete

their oil—the oil of holiness and

watchfulness, together with an intimate

relationship with the Lord, which failed

them at the moment of crisis.

We are all aware of His coming,

but few are tangibly preparing for

it, which could very well catch us

off guard. It is true, in all ages

they looked for His coming, yet to

this day He has not come. Perhaps

we have now become indifferent

and numbed to this reality, and


“Where is the promise of

his coming? for since the fathers

fell asleep, all things continue as they

were from the beginning of the creation.

For this they willingly are ignorant of (2

Peter 3:4-5a).

In any event, global conditions today

strongly point to His imminent coming

like never before in history--the time is

now to prepare.

Even so, come Lord Jesus!

End of the Age, cont. from back cover