Does God Speak to Us Today?
By Henry Byler
June 8, 2011
I have been thinking about one thing in particular that people will use if they don't want to hear a particular message. There are some who will use this, even claim it supersedes the Bible, the Word of God.
This reasoning is; I hear from God myself, I don't need any man to tell me how and what "my God" has for me. I find this kind of statement terribly prideful and arrogant. Now hear me, I am not saying people don't hear from God, I know they do, I sometimes do myself. However, I am not infallible, I may get it wrong, maybe I am emotional, stressed about something, bottom line is if I think I heard from God, I better test it, with the word of God first of all, the Holy Spirit will never give you something that does agree with scripture and point you to Jesus, for the glory of God. Sometimes we will get confirmation from God in other ways, a word from a brother or sister. I have gone to church before with an issue on my mind and had God confirm what I thought I heard from God in the message from the pastor.
Finally, I believe there are people who are bitter, angry mislead and don't realize it and have stopped letting other people, or even God speak His word into their lives for their edification and learning.
Not wanting to listen to man for any edification and learning is just not correct, God has used man from the start of the church to teach and to correct. We should be like the Bereans and go check the scriptures to see if what we are being told is so.
I hear so many these days saying, they don't need to hear man's interpretation of God's word. Well, I for one do need Godly men to help me interpret the word of God. Some men have that gift, the gift of teaching and when you recognize a person who has that gift, you would do well to listen to him.
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